Search results for the query: run

Visas & extensions
Upd. 25/05/24
A guide to Visa Run Destinations

If you intend to live in Bali for an extended period, you might need to exit the country and come back on a new visa. In this article, we provide some useful tips about the visa run destinations.

A guide to Visa Run Destinations
Visas & extensions
Upd. 26/05/24
One-Day Visa Run: Is It Worth the Risk?

A visa run is an excellent opportunity to change your surroundings and visit a new country.

Some travelers, however, attempt to complete their visa run by simply flying to a nearby country and immediately taking a return flight to Bali without leaving the airport terminal. Such trips may rai…

One-Day Visa Run: Is It Worth the Risk?
Body & mind
Upd. 11/09/23
Places for running. Where to run in Bali?

I was looking for good running routes in Bali and came across the online version of the running app

. There are ready-made running routes for different regions: Kuta, Ubud, Denpasar, Karangasem, Klungkung, Munduk, Negara, Tabanan.

Places for running. Where to run in Bali?
Visas & extensions
Upd. 26/05/24
Visa Run to Vietnam

Vietnam is a popular destination for visa runs.

The flight to Ho Chi Minh City takes about 4 hours, with one-way tickets starting at $120 per person.

Foreigners can stay on the mainland without a visa for up to 45 days. All tourists arriving in Vietnam are advised to have insurance coverage worth $10,000 or more that includes COVID-19.

Visa Run to Vietnam
Feb 25, from 19:00 to 12:00
JimbaranJimbaran HUB
May 19, from 16:00 to 18:00
Feb 29, from 18:00 to 19:00