Warung Dua Umalas

Type of place
An “Europeanized” warung at Umalas.
The warung is owned by an Italian, the chef is Japanese, so food quality and cleanliness is under control. Among the visitors, the vast majority are expat foreigners, some come for the whole day, eating breakfast, lunch and dinner in the process. Internet is stable. You can smoke everywhere.
You can choose from a glass counter Nasi Champur, works from 11-23, the prices are listed and you can figure out how much you get, you need to choose rice (3 kinds of white yellow brown), the rest from the counter dial and eat. Card with the price is not given, you pay after, I advise you to count or remember what you chose. Food is fresh, cooked and updated 2 times a day. Next to the counter a few homemade sauces, they are free. You can order a la carte as well, there is BBQ and seafood/fish. Vegetarian and spicy dishes are marked on the menu with special icons.
Taxes are 15%. They accept credit cards.
What to try?
1. The Lot Full Set Breakfast - eggs, bacon, chorizo pork sausage, baked beans, grilled tomatoes, roasted mushrooms, juice or fruit, choice of coffee.
2. Sate snapper - 3 skewers of fish kebab (skewers and kebab portions are small in Asia), with white rice, urap vegetable salad and Sambal sauce.
3. From the counter I liked the couscous salad, fennel and pineapple salad, braised beef beef bif rendang, chicken with vegetables, and pleased with the Indian Naan flatbread, very tasty to dip the bread in sauces or meat gravy!