The long-awaited but still infrequent rains are gradually bringing joy to the residents and visitors of Bali after an extended dry season. This means the return of almost daily rainfall is not far away. Should those planning a vacation fear them, and when is the wettest month according to meteorological forecasts?

Rains in Indonesia are a common occurrence. Therefore, anyone wishing to visit this country during the wet season should be mentally prepared for encountering downpours, road flooding, and wet beach sand. Locals say that in the past, during their youth, it was possible to predict the rainy period almost precisely. However, due to climate change, it's now impossible to say reliably when the wet season begins and ends.
How then to plan a trip to Bali so that frequent rains don't disrupt the holiday, and one can relax and enjoy sunny Bali to the fullest?
Seasonal Rainfall
Indonesia has only two seasons – dry and rainy. Previously, the hot and dry weather began in April and lasted until October, with rains occurring over the next six months from October to April. However, nowadays, it often remains hot in October, and there is no hint of rain. In April, locals and tourists eagerly await dry weather, but it doesn't come.
November has also become hot, with rains occurring very infrequently. In 2023, the dry season persisted – over a hundred days without rain and fresh wind. This affected not only Bali but also Java and other regions. Due to the drought, a state of emergency was declared on the Island of the Gods.
Usually, in mid-December, especially at New Year's, almost daily heavy rain or moderate showers begin. They last until March or even longer, but they often pour for half a day and not always every day. During this period, floods may occur, especially on roads. In some areas near rivers and the ocean, water enters people's homes, causing damage to property.
A Bit of Statistics
It's interesting to look at the statistics on precipitation in Indonesia. Although the frequency of rain differs in each province, the average amount of precipitation in the country is 2898 mm per year. For example, in 2022, on West Java, Maluku, Central Kalimantan, Sumatra, and Sulawesi, rain fell for more than 200 days.
In the rainiest month, February, in 2023, there were 16 rainy days. The total amount of precipitation was about 172 mm, with a record number of 33 mm on February 13.
According to forecasts, the peak of the rainy season on most of Indonesia's territory will be in January and February 2024, namely – 385 ZOM (55.08%).
For those who want to avoid problems during the rainy season and rest peacefully, it's better to check the forecasts from meteorological services. One of the most accurate ones is BMKG.
There is also the Cuaca di Bali website (but here is an approximate weather forecast).
Any time of the year is wonderful
Rains, winds, restless ocean waves make the island romantic and unique. There is a charm to every time of the year!

It is also very pleasant to watch the splashing waves, enjoy the cool breeze, and freshness after the rain. So, a vacation in Bali can bring pleasure in any season.
Best Time to Visit Bali
The optimal period for a luxurious vacation without rain is from May or June to October. April can be added, but there is still a chance of encountering rain. However, there are advantages: the cost of renting accommodation and transportation is often lower, restaurants are not overcrowded, and there are many promotions and discounts in stores.

In July and August – the peak of the resort season when many Australians come here. During these months, it is often cooler, and the ocean water is colder.
On New Year's, even more tourists arrive, although rains pour heavily until March or April.
In Indonesia, rains can start unexpectedly, when there are no signs of precipitation, so it's advisable not to be without a raincoat in the trunk of a bike. Suits in the form of a jacket and pants are especially convenient, and you can purchase them at every local store like Indomaret.

Rains in Indonesia are warm, without piercing winds as in other countries. Indonesian downpours often last for a couple of hours and then stop. The rest of the day is usually sunny, for example, if you are in Kuta or on Bukit. It can be overcast throughout the day in Ubud due to increased humidity - rains are more frequent there, by the way.
So, if your vacation falls during the rainy season, there won't be any significant difficulties, even more interesting: sunny and hot in the morning, precipitation and freshness in the evening. And how beautiful are the lush green jungles washed by tropical rain!
What to Do During Heavy Rains

If the rain unexpectedly catches you and pours every day? What to do? Don't sit in the room all day. There are many interesting places worth visiting. For example, you can shop for souvenirs or clothing in shopping centers.
In Bali, there are also excellent spa salons where, instead of the beach, you can freshen up, enhance your beauty, relax, and wait for the rain to stop. Yoga enthusiasts will be delighted with practices in comfortable studios.
In any weather, it will be pleasant to spend the evening watching the theatrical performance Devdan Show at Bali Nusa Dua Theatre, where you can learn more about Indonesian culture and traditions. Actors in vibrant costumes participate in lively dances and acrobatic performances. You can also go rafting or surfing – in the end, you'll get wet anyway. Enjoy the full-flowing waterfalls that Bali is famous for! Or simply take a stroll with an umbrella in the rain with your loved one and arrange a photoshoot – the impressions are unforgettable!

Diverse activities in both rain and shine will bring joy to everyone who loves this exotic country.
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