Search results for the query: mangosteen

Upd. 13/11/23
All the fruits in Bali

All the fruits in Bali…

You can buy fruits in Bali year-round, but each fruit has its own «season.» During this time, the fruit is widely available, you can find different varieties, the fruits are especially juicy, and pric…

All the fruits in Bali

A good market with a wide selection of fruits, vegetables, and more.

If you speak Indonesian, you can bargain, as usual.

Approximate prices:

- Mangoes — 15,000 for 2 kg

Body & mind
Upd. 06/10/23
Bali souvenirs. What to bring from Bali?

Everyone comes to the island of Bali for different reasons. Some are enchanted by the power and grandeur of the ocean. Mysterious and lush Balinese jungles and forests, spread across the hills, conque…

Bali souvenirs. What to bring from Bali?
Natural cosmetics in Bali

More and more people are becoming increasingly conscious of what they apply to their skin. The choice often leans towards natural products, which frequently contain fewer synthetic chemicals or none a…

Natural cosmetics in Bali