Warung Makan Yogyakarta

Type of place
A budget warung in Kuta where the barbecue chicken is delicious!
I found out about this place thanks to the locals, thanks to them, I would never have noticed the unpretentious looking warung myself.
Moreover, it is not near the beach and tourist streets, a little aside, almost at the exit from Kuta. They have been cooking chicken here for over 30 years and it's really great. A lot of locals come here, it's quite a famous place and I constantly meet the same white expats living on the island here, more and more foreigners are getting to know about this place.
The warung itself is pretty clean, divided into two rooms, an open room where you can smoke and a closed air-conditioned, non-smoking room. The menu hangs on the wall, the choice is simple: barbecue chicken cooked with different sauces, chicken liver, heart, rice, soup, drinks.
When choosing chicken, you can choose breast/breast or leg/leg, it is better to say it yourself when ordering, they sometimes do not ask, as they do not speak English well. I order chicken with sweet sauce - Ayam kecap, it is not spicy at all, the other two options are more spicy, chicken is brought with vegetables and spicy sambal sauce, and they also put a bowl of water on the table so you can wash your hands, you have to eat chicken with your hands. I order rice separately. And moderately spicy vegetable soup for only 5k, I call it Indonesian soup, instead of bread you can take crackers from the jars that are on the tables, 1k is a cracker.

From drinks I prefer jackfruit juice/jus nangka, unfortunately it's not always available, lately it hasn't been, depends on the season. For all this the price is around 40k! It's delicious, the chicken is magical, they cook it right, the meat is soft and not dry, not overcooked, although sometimes they bring it black, but inside is white and tasty. If you want good barbecue chicken, and the setting is not so important (it's simple here, it's warung), come and try it, hope you like it. As an option there is takeway, you can buy takeaway. And a little tip - there is a soulful Buddhist temple nearby, you can check it out at the same time.
What to try?
1. Ayam panggang kecap - BBQ chicken with sweet soy sauce, served with vegetables, local lemon basil/kemangi and sambal sauce.
2. Sayur asam - slightly spicy vegetable soup, with potatoes, cabbage, beans, and corn.