Indonesia Traffic and Road Transport Law…
At the numerous requests of our readers, we have made a partial translation of the current Law on Road Traffic and Road Transport of Indonesia (UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR 22 TAHUN 2009 TEN…
Indonesia Traffic and Road Transport Law…
At the numerous requests of our readers, we have made a partial translation of the current Law on Road Traffic and Road Transport of Indonesia (UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR 22 TAHUN 2009 TEN…
In Indonesia, the Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement System (ELTE) is currently in operation and gradually expanding. Will it put an end to the possibility of driving in Bali without helmets, seat bel…
What to do if you have been fined?
Lately, fines on the roads of Bali have become more frequent. You may be stopped for a violation, have your bike documents taken, and receive a colored ticket. And… what to do next? This is precisel…
The Balinese New Year passed, as always, not without incidents. Every year on the Day of Silence, there are tourists who manage to either not know the rules or deliberately ignore them. On this day, t…
The Denpasar Immigration Office recorded 138 violations of immigration laws by foreign nationals in 2024, an increase compared to 104 cases in 2023.
According to Ridha Sah Putra, Head of the Denpasar Immigration Office, 15 of these cases were related to online prostitution, while the remaining violations included:
A video has surfaced online showing rock debris falling into the ocean during the construction of a villa on the coast of Lembongan Island near Bali.
The footage has sparked criticism and heated discussions online. The project owner, an Australian citizen, was clearing a site for the villa’s construction and simply dumping the excess rock off a cli…
Indonesias Minister of Environment, Hanif Faisol Nurofiq, conducted an unscheduled inspection at Balis largest landfill, TPA Suwung in Denpasar. This inspection is part of a broader initiative planned…
Another visa violation case led to the deportation of two individuals from Bali. A pair of Australians entered Indonesia on a tourist visa, which is meant for leisure and travel within the country, no…
The increasing number of traffic violations by foreigners has not gone unnoticed by the Bali traffic police. A raid in Canggu targeted foreigners and motorcycle taxi drivers who were stopped for not w…
The Immigration Office of South Jakarta has succeeded in exposing immigration violations committed by six Nepalese citizens posing as foreign investors. They were arrested on suspicion of using fake d…
Regardless of whether you are driving in Bali or anywhere else, it is important to know and follow the rules of the road. This will allow you to avoid problems and save yourself a relaxing holiday.
Morality police: how «pleasant» law enforcers decide the number of cane strokes for moral violations
Indonesia is the world's largest Islamic state, and the province of Aceh, located in the north of the country, is the most conservative. It is there that strict Sharia laws are in effect today, vigila…
Bali Customs Guidelines: Allowed, Restricted, and Prohibited Items for Entry and Exit
Recently, the Indonesian customs service has recorded a number of cases involving serious violations of local customs laws by foreign citizens, specifically the illegal export of flora and fauna (livi…