Authorities in Bali, in an official letter, announce that the toll road from the airport to Nusa Dua to Sanur will be closed for 32 hours during the celebration of Nyepi. The closure will take place from 23:00 on March 10 to 7:00 on March 12.
In emergency situations, the toll road can be used, referring to the needs of fire and medical services. In this case, vehicles will require the escort of pecalang (traditional Balinese security).
"During Nyepi, law enforcement officers will still be present. If an emergency vehicle passes by, everything will proceed according to procedures and will not violate established standard operating procedures," said the financial director of PT Jasamarga Bali Tol, I Wayan Eka Saputra. He also added that the company actively participates in supporting Hindu traditions and culture, including actively supporting the Melasti ceremony scheduled for March 8. To ensure the smooth conduct of the ritual, the company has appointed a patrol group and coordinated its actions with the Benoa police, the main traffic police, and pecalang to regulate traffic from the Pesanggaran intersection towards the Benoa harbor to the location of the Melasti ceremony.
"During Melasti, traffic on the access road to Benoa Harbor, starting from 05:00 in the morning until the end of the event, will be suspended," said Saputra.
Additionally, the eastern part of the toll access road from the Pertamina warehouse towards the port to the location of the ceremony will also be specifically used for the local community conducting Melasti.

As for the toll road closure on Nyepi, since most of this time will be spent at home, the roadblock should not cause significant inconvenience. However, it is important to note that the road will be closed earlier than the onset of Nyepi and will reopen later after the conclusion of the celebration.
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