DIY Guide to Extending Your Visa on Arrival at Denpasar Immigration Centre

Hello! Here is our story of how we extended our tourist visa on arrival (VOA) in Denpasar on our own. The entire process took 10 days in total, and we report on the process as it occurred in 2018.
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To extend the visa, you will need to visit the immigration centre three times. The first visit is at your convenience, but no later than 10 days before your visa expires. Tthe dates for the next two visits are assigned to you by the immigration officers.
We were based in Mengwi (near Canggu) and, following our host's recommendation, went to our nearest immigration centre in Denpasar. Note that immigration centres cover specific areas of residence, so it’s best to find out in advance which centre you should go to, as you may be redirected if you go to the wrong one.

What You Need to Extend Your VOA

  • Your passport (original)
  • A copy of your passport (main page + visa page photocopied together on one sheet of paper)
  • A copy of your return ticket (must be in printed format)
Make sure your return ticket has dates within the 30 days following your current visa's expiration. If you're traveling with others on the same ticket, ensure you have separate copies for each member of your group.
  • A black pen (to fill out the applications)

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Submit Your Documents
We visited the immigration centre on February 2, 13 days before our visa expired.
The Denpasar centre has free parking space for both bikes and cars.
It opens at 8:00 AM Monday to Thursday and at 9:00 AM on Fridays.
The visa department is in the second building (see photo below), and the entrance is on the left side.
Visa Department Building at Denpasar Immigration Centre (Red Arrow)
You should photocopy your documents beforehand.There is a photocopy and print shop nearby. From the entrance of the visa department, turn right and then right again to find an area (see photo below) with affordable warungs (serving breakfast), among which there is a photocopy and print shop. Note that printing is done via WhatsApp or email.
Warung Area with Photocopy and Print Shop at Denpasar Immigration Centre
At the entrance of the visa department (see photo below), there is usually a long line of local residents. This is not your queue. Head straight inside and turn right. If you're unsure of where to go, ask the helpful staff.
Entrance to the Visa Department at Denpasar Immigration Centre
The visa department is located on the ground floor. Enter the building, turn immediately to the right, and walk down the corridor to the end.
In the immigration hall, go directly to the terminal (see the photos below) and select "APPLICATION." The terminal will issue a ticket with an "A," indicating you are there to submit documents, followed by numbers showing your place in the electronic queue.
Ticket Terminal at the Denpasar Immigration Centre
Application Display at Ticket Terminal
A-Queue Ticket
The first two visits will be on a first-come, first-served basis. We recommend arriving at 8:00 AM to get through the queue quickly; on the day we submitted our documents, the queue behind us reached over 80 people.
Note that there is drinking water provided for your convenience, and the toilets are nearby on the same floor.
Queue numbers are called on display (indicated by the red arrow in the photo below) and over loudspeakers in English, directing you to the counter.
Queue Numbers Display (Red Arrow)
Document submissions are at counters 1 and 2 (see photo below).
Document Submission Counters 1 and 2
At the counter, a staff member will give you a folder (ours was pink) containing a two-page application form. There are designated desks where you can fill out the form. Fill it out in black pen.
  • Fill out the form according to the provided sample. 
  • Put the completed form into the folder along with a photocopy of your passport (main page + visa page), a printout of your return ticket, and your passport.
  • Sign the folder.
When finished, head straight to the same counter and return your folder to the staff member.
They will quickly check the correctness of all the data and ask you to wait in the hall. In our case, it was about a 5-minute wait.
They will then call you by name. Sometimes the announcements are not very loud or clear, so it’s best to stay within sight of the counter so the staff member can locate you.
You will be given an invitation with the date for your second visit for photographing and fingerprinting (see photo below). Keep this for your next visit.
Invitation with the Date for Your Second Visit
2. Fingerprinting, Photos, and Payment
Our second visit was scheduled for February 7, five days after submitting our documents.
We arrived promptly at 8:00 AM and headed straight to counter 3, presenting our tickets.
They gave us invoices to pay the visa fee (check for current rates online). You pay the fee outside, directly opposite the main entrance of the visa building.
With the receipt for your payment, head back to counter 3. They will exchange it for a C-ticket for photo and fingerprinting (see photo below).
C-Ticket for Photo and Fingerprinting
The queue for photography operates the same way as the document submission queue: numbers are displayed on screens and announced over speakers.
The actual process of is quick as multiple staff members work in the booth concurrently. However, note that there could be delays due to technical issues. On the day we went, there was a 50-minute delay at the photo counter due to technical problems.
Once done, the staff member will give you a new invitation for the third and final visit with date and time specified. Make sure to keep it safe as you need to show it to get your passport back.
3. Collecting Your Passport with Extended Visa
Passports are collected in the afternoon, from 13:00 at the earliest.
On arrival, head directly to counter 3 and hand over your invitation from the second visit.
You will be asked to wait seated as the staff member retrieves your passport. You will then be summoned to collect your passport, now stamped with your extended visa.
Extending a VOA visa is straightforward and relatively quick.
Remember to submit your documents in advance, no later than 10 days before your initial visa expires, to avoid overstay fines.
We hope this information is helpful. Wishing you all the best!
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