If you need a dermatologist in Bali, you can avail the services of both public and private clinics. For instance, clinics like BIMC Hospital, Siloam Hospitals, or Kasih Ibu Hospital offer high-quality dermatology services.

However, like in any other country, the quality of medical care in Bali can vary.
We recommend choosing reputable and experienced dermatologists and carefully researching clinic reviews and ratings before visiting. Some medical facilities may charge higher prices, but excessive cost is not always indicative of excellent quality. If you notice suspiciously low prices for dermatology services or clinics, it may be a sign that the quality of medical care could be low as well.
Keep in mind that there can be certain issues with the quality of medical care in Bali, so it's advisable to visit a doctor in person and consult with them. This way, you can ensure that you receive quality medical care. Nevertheless, for your convenience, we provide a list of the most well-known clinics with positive reviews about doctors and service.
Let's start with large private clinics.
Balimed Denpasar
This is a network of clinics throughout Bali, consisting of four hospitals, but we are interested in the branch in Denpasar. There is a dedicated page on the website for dermatology. The doctors are professional, but the prices are high. You can schedule an appointment online.
Recommended Doctors:
Anak Agung Sagung Putra Dewi - open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays,
Gusti Ayu Agung Dwi Karmila -it is open on Mondays and Tuesdays
Website: https://balimedhospital.co.id/
WA +62 855-3906-508
Bros hospital (Bali Royal Hospital)
The hospital is located in Denpasar, closer to Sanur. The doctors at this clinic have also received good reviews. They don't work every day, so please check the schedule. There is a special app for booking appointments, but it only works on Android devices. iPhone users will have to make appointments using traditional methods - by phone and WhatsApp.
WA: +62 813-3755-0555
Phones (+62361) 222 588 и +6281 33 755 0 555
Website: https://baliroyalhospital.co.id/en/
This is a network of hospitals with branches in Kuta, Nusa Dua and Ubud. The reviews vary, but there are more positive ones. You shouldn't expect low prices from this hospital, but they strive to provide quality service, although, like in many Bali hospitals, it's not always consistent. You can expect to pay from 650,000 IDR for a doctor's appointment. However, this is the first network in Bali to have been accredited by the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards.
Website: https://bimcbali.com/
Ubud: +62 361 2091 030
Kuta: +62 361 761263
Nusa Dua: +62 361 3000 911
Small clinics with positive recommendations
dr. Yulia Trisna Wijaya, M. Biomed, Sp.KK
Excellent reviews, open daily from 17:00 to 20:00 except weekends. Prices are quite reasonable. Located in Kuta, you can make appointments by phone or WhatsApp.
Phone: 0895370028722
dr. I Made Setiadji, Sp.DV (AKL)
A practicing doctor with impressive reviews. He treats and consults on a wide range of skin problems, and the clinic is equipped with modern equipment. Located in Denpasar. Open from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM and from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, except on Sundays. You can schedule an appointment on the website or through WhatsApp.
WA: 0813-3709-0999
dr. Indira Dharmasamitha, Sp.KK
A professional doctor with hundreds of satisfied clients. Prices are not high. The doctor is a woman. The clinic has been operating for many years and has not received a single negative review to date. Open from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM, except on weekends.
dr. Elvina, Sp.KK
Professional and friendly. Many people have successfully resolved their skin issues with her help. The clinic is located in the heart of Denpasar, but it's conveniently accessible, for example, from Sanur.
WA:+62 817-352-848
Website: https://linktr.ee/elvina.spkk
Martha Fang Skin Clinic
In this clinic, in addition to treatment and consultations, there are also numerous cosmetic procedures such as detox, peeling, vitamin injections, facelifts, and more. It is more of a cosmetic clinic, but it has excellent reviews for Martha Fang, the lead dermatologist at this clinic. The medical facility is located in Seminyak.
Website: https://www.marthafang.com/
In conclusion, there are indeed many small private dermatology clinics in Bali. We recommend reaching out to or calling several of them before making a choice and consulting online to understand how well the clinic, its equipment, and doctors will suit your needs.
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