Balians are people of "power." There are very few such individuals in the world, literally just a handful. However, they have existed, do exist, and will always exist. They live on different continents and worship different gods, but all of them possess a power that lacks scientific explanation. Balians can literally penetrate into a person while in a trance state, sensing their "pain points" (sometimes just by taking the person's hand) and "extracting" the illness from them. The actions of shamans often contradict the laws of physics, and in part, this is why Bali is referred to as a "mystical" island—there are noticeably more shamans here than anywhere else on the planet.

Balians (healers, shamans) are healers on Bali who, using Divine energy, heal mental and physical ailments. Some balians acquire their knowledge by studying ancient scriptures known as lontars, while others receive it through parampara—a lineage of succession. Sometimes, a person experiences a divine revelation and becomes a healer as a result.
Healers can communicate with ancestral spirits, exorcise black magic inflicted on patients, etc. Often, the spirits of deceased relatives may impose curses and harm their descendants to draw attention, especially when people forget their roots and show disrespect towards their lineage. Some balians can enter trance states to discover the root of the problem. Others prescribe medicinal herbs, offer energy massages with special oils, and conduct purifying water ceremonies.
4 Types of Balians
On the island of Bali, healers are revered similarly to doctors and have different specializations. Conventionally, four types of healers can be identified on Bali.
The first are Kataksons, or contacters. They create a channel between the world of humans and the subtle world. Usually, the channeling occurs with the spirit of a deceased ancestor. Balians receive information about what offerings are needed for the cremation of the deceased and other ceremonies. The spirit may also guide its descendants in difficult situations by providing hints or direct guidance. Contacters are typically women.
A katakson can also enter trance states and heal people during this time. However, in this case, it is not the katakson who heals, but rather the spirit that temporarily possesses the mind, body, and tongue of the balian.

A Balian Kapikan is a healer who uses an artifact that has mysteriously come to him for healing purposes. These ritual objects can materialize and disappear on their own. Such items can include crystals, daggers, oils, bones, teeth, and metals. Animals can also be sacred, for example, dogs, cats, birds, and snakes. In cases involving animals, balians receive instructions during meditation on where to find these creatures, or they may come to the balian's home on their own. Regarding the healing process, for instance, a healer may apply sacred stones to the afflicted area of a person's body. The patient may also drink water charged with crystals and mantras that have been blessed in a temple.
The third group of healers on Bali is Usada. These people either study the science of healing through lontars for many years on their own or receive sacred knowledge during clinical death or severe illness through divine revelations. Lontars are texts of traditional Balinese medicine written in an ancient language and inscribed with the point of a knife on bamboo tablets. They are passed down from teacher to student, from father to son (when considering family lineage). Lontars contain information about herbal healing, the art of meditation, anatomy, yoga, tantra, etc. Usada also studies both white and black magic, which are essentially similar, as Divine energy is one; the difference is only whether it is directed for good or harm to people.
In other words, the Usada healer is the most theoretically knowledgeable person because the methods and techniques of healing belong to their personality and are embedded in their consciousness.

The fourth group is the Balian Champuran, who combines the qualities of all three groups. These healers on Bali utilize trance states, rituals, sacred objects, as well as knowledge obtained from lontars. Usually, such a healer is a Kapikan-Katakson who studies lontars. Thus, a Champuran can be possessed by a spirit or use a magical artifact, but also employs knowledge about medicinal herbs and knows how to balance chakras, etc.
These extraordinary individuals typically do not become balians out of their own free will; they are chosen by God. If a person refuses to follow the path they are destined for, they either become very ill or their other endeavors suffer failure. If the future healer follows the path predestined for them, everything falls into place.

It is believed that balians have access to an invisible world, where not only light forces reside but also dark ones—spirits of death or destruction, as they are referred to by the Balinese (some simply call this negative energy). They believe that both forces—light and darkness—remain close to every person. In moments of anger, despair, excitement, or hatred, these dark forces can penetrate into a person and take possession of their soul and body, settling within them for many years or even for a lifetime, gradually leading to destruction. The fate of an individual depends on which side they choose, affecting the illnesses they encounter, the life problems and misfortunes that arise, and so on.

The Balinese also believe that balians are endowed with a special power to lift these "curses" and exorcise dark spirits or negative energy from individuals. They can "see" the illness, its spirit, and the cause that emerges from the invisible subtle world. Balian claim that any illness resembles a thrombus, a conglomeration of dark energy that obstructs the light within a person. Their treatment can take anywhere from several minutes to several hours and is accompanied by the recitation of prayers, mantras, work with the body (pressing on specific points), and, of course, the use of natural remedies—infusions and powders made from various plants.
How to distinguish a true balian from a fraud?

It is actually quite difficult to distinguish a genuine balian with the gift from a fraud. However, there are key points to pay attention to when visiting a healer. While these points do not guarantee 100% authenticity, and even if all criteria match, it does not necessarily mean that you are in the presence of a true balian, it is still worth considering. So, if you have decided to come to Bali and find a genuine shaman, you should know the following:
1. It is believed that true balians never ask for money for their help, let alone state specific amounts. Allegedly, if they were to do so, the gods might take their gift back and punish them for greed and vanity. There is certainly some truth to this. However, a healer who helps their own people works for free, while foreigners are considered outsiders. Therefore, do not be surprised if a good healer asks you for a substantial amount of money, by Balinese standards—you are a stranger to them. Moreover, the money they receive mostly goes to building roads and schools, assisting the poor, and educating children from their village. A genuine Balinese healer keeps very little for themselves—if they are truly genuine.

2. Do not confuse balians with Mangkus. The latter are priests appointed from each Balinese village who usually simply follow written canons and rules when performing various ceremonies and rituals. Balinese people also consult them, but their advice is based on sacred texts rather than their own "visions" of people and their ailments. However, quite often, a mangku can also be a balian.
3. A true healer often requests, “Please don’t turn me into a circus act,” and asks not to bring just the curious (even if they are willing to pay quite generously) but only those who genuinely need their help. Real balians are often against any form of advertisement, dress like ordinary Balinese, and do not distinguish themselves from others (there is no showiness with white garments or anything like that), and they may even refuse to see you if they sense disingenuousness or for reasons known only to them. And yes, balians can be of any age and gender. It is a common misplaced notion that they must be elderly men with gray hair, but this is not the case at all.

4. Often, a genuine healer has a long family history—not only skills and abilities but the gift itself seems to be passed down from generation to generation.
5. You may feel uneasy about a wide range of claimed abilities from one particular healer: when they perform religious purification rites, do massage therapy, choose healing stones, predict the future, and so on. Everything at once. Although this is not an absolute criterion, it is generally the case that a good Balinese healer uses one (or at most two or three) methods.
6. In general, true balians are very down-to-earth and friendly in communication; they do not pretend to be something they are not, love to make jokes, encourage those who come to them, and never impose anything on you. Usually, you feel very comfortable and at ease with them. Therefore, one of the main criteria is to trust your intuition and inner feelings when reaching out to a healer.
7. Claimed Effect: If a healer promises to cure your joints, correct your posture, or help you relieve some physical ailments, you should notice improvements. Sometimes this requires several visits. Often after the first session, you may even experience some worsening of your condition, feelings of fatigue or sadness, as part of a cleansing process. However, in the near future, you should still feel better. The same goes for your internal state. If you arrived at the balian feeling depressed or negative, after the work of a true healer (again, it may not be immediately), you should feel a sense of lightness, joy in life, as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders, or a veil has been removed from your eyes—a feeling of renewal and happiness.
Pak Circus

On Bali, there are hundreds of astrologers, fortune tellers, healers, and seers, but none have the fame of Circus. The smiling Balinese healer, Circus, is a hereditary healer living in Canggu (Canggu Jalan Berawa 27, opposite Warung Canggu, phone: +62 819 3310 1166). He actually used to work in a circus, seemingly as a security guard, so his name is not just a reference to tricks.
Appointments are taken on a first-come, first-served basis, and the master sees patients from 7 to 8 AM and until noon. On certain lunar days, he does not accept patients, so you may have to come another time; the lunar cycles are meticulously respected in Bali. It is worth noting that he does not engage in fortune telling or predicting fate; Circus is strictly a healer.

He starts by examining and feeling the patient. This is done in full view of everyone, following local custom, as he treats patients on the open area in front of his home, and then he performs a massage with essential oils and laughs a lot. The healer primarily affects the person’s energy, even while working on the physical body, which is why the effect from what appears to be a simple massage can be profound.

Every Balinese healer conducts what is known as a "malukat"—a cleansing ritual with water and flowers. Circus sometimes performs this after the massage as a form of purification.
Circus is renowned for his immediate and accurate diagnosis; he scans the entire body with his attention, pinpointing problem areas (which always align with previous diagnoses known to the patient), and expertly works on these zones. Since he goes deep and it can be painful, he often distracts patients with various tricks, helping them to shift their focus and relax, thus allowing him to delve more deeply into their bodies with his fingers. Treatment can often be quite painful but tolerable.

Pack Circus is one of the most famous healers in Bali, so you need to arrive early as he is always very busy and operates without appointments. Both locals and foreigners come for treatment, and there is no fixed fee—everyone leaves what they can. Circus, by the way, is one of the few healers who works solely on a donation basis. He has been helping people for many years and has never wavered from his principles during this time.
Guru Made Sumantra

Guru Made Sumantra is a Balinese healer of the fifth generation who has dedicated his life to helping people heal through education and donating time and money to various charitable organizations. He began his journey by assisting his family but soon expanded his activities and founded Yoga Healing Bali to help others spiritually, physically, and in other ways.
Made Sumantra started his healing journey by conducting the melukat ceremony (Balinese water purification). Among his teachers (besides his healer grandfather) are a Taoist master, a Kundalini guru, and others. He is often invited to Japan, Australia, Singapore, and Europe, but he is currently focused on further developing his center in Ubud.

The Siwa Linggam Temple in Ubud, founded by Made, now offers a variety of healing sessions for both physical wellness and spiritual healing. Made is aided by other renowned healers, including Ibu Dayu and Jero Agus. The Siwa Linggam Temple provides visitors with comprehensive traditional natural healing services, such as treatment for physical ailments, energy healing and cleansing, treatment for mental and emotional issues, and spiritual healing.

As Made Sumantra himself says, “Here you will not receive the desired treatment method, but the treatment you need.” Typically, the process begins with an energetic diagnosis—Made checks the condition of your chakras by the strength of their response to energetic signals. He analyzes your request and identifies the source of the problem—be it physical, emotional, mental, or karmic. He then explains the methods and treatments that can most effectively assist you. After the treatment, Made records information about your ailment and assesses your progress during the healing process.

There are various fixed-price packages available. All information about the programs can be found here.
1. Treatment package for physical problems. (1,5 hours for 100 USD)
This physical body treatment package will involve treatment techniques with Balinese Massage, Yoga Massage, and with traditional natural medicinal ingredients such as boreh (body scrub medicine) and loloh (medicine in the form of a drink).
First, Made will discuss your complaint, then explain the method of treatment that will be taken according to your needs.
2.Packages of mental and mind medication. (1 hour for 50 USD)
This treatment package will use cleansing with Melukat Healing – Water Blessing, which has been prayed for and filled with the power of healing Mantras, with water media filled with various flowers of various colors and various aromas. Next you will be smoked with incense smoke that has been given the energy of prayer and Mantras.

3.Treatment Packages use natural energy and energy body cleansing. (1 hour for 50 USD)
This treatment package will combine various media and energy healing methods such as chakra cleansing, kundalini awakening, cleansing and strengthening the aura. Will use media according to your needs such as holy water, holy fire, crystal media, sound healing bells and incense fragrance.
4. Spiritual Healing Package – Kanda Pat Healing (K4 Healing) (1 hour for 100 USD)
This treatment package is a treatment package for life problems such as work, business, marriage, and other life problems caused by the influence of bad karma. This treatment will involve your own protective spirit power. Made Sumantra will use the Banten –Balinese offering according to your needs.

In addition, you can order palmistry or Balinese astrology services. You can also practice yoga under the personal guidance of Made Sumantra. Made offers training in various energy healing techniques and sound healing sessions. If you are serious about delving into the intricacies of Balinese healing, you can stay at the guesthouse on the ashram grounds. The cost of a room is 250,000 rupiah per day.
- Bali Usadha Healing: USD 100, Duration: 1.5 hours
- Spiritual Healing: USD 50, Duration: 1 hour
- Yoga Massage Therapy: USD 50, Duration: 1 hour
- Aura Healing: USD 50, Duration: 1 hour
- Chakra Healing: USD 50, Duration: 1 hour
- Pranic Healing: USD 50, Duration: 1 hour
- Kundalini Healing: USD 50, Duration: 1 hour
- Clearing the Negative Effects of Karma: USD 100, Duration: 1.5 hours
- Balinese Bell Healing, Holy Sound of Bali: USD 50, Duration: 1 hour

Open Hours: 09:00 AM – 06:00 PM
Address: Jl Lungsiakan, Kedewatan, Ubud, Bali
Call: +62 878 6118 7825
WhatsApp: +62 821 1385 0694
Jero Mangku Geni

Balinese people live equally in two worlds: the visible or conscious world, called Sekala, and the invisible or psychic world, known as Nishkala. In traditional Balinese healing, both of these elements are addressed to truly heal a suffering patient. Traditional spiritual healers, such as Jero Mangku Geni, play an important role in Balinese culture and help patients restore balance in both worlds even in this modern era of advanced technology.
Born with an exceptional talent and spiritual awareness, Jero Mangku Geni has dedicated the last 10 years of his life as a Balinese priest. A warm and assertive person, he has a deep understanding of Balinese Hindu spirituality. He is capable of explaining complex philosophical questions with logical, simple, and universal answers. As a traditional Balinese healer, Jero Mangku Geni also understands the psychological aspect of individuals and often offers convenient and relevant solutions to his patients' issues. He does not require patients to always depend on “upakara” or rituals in his healing process.

Jero Mangku Geni has developed a powerful meditation technique called Ganapati through intensive meditation aimed at seeking and connecting with his higher self. With this method, he aims to use his mystical knowledge to help others restore their spiritual and mental balance. Jero Mangku Geni offers several healing methods, including energy cleansing, chakra awakening, and readings of past and future lives. All of this is achieved through a profound understanding of how energy functions in the human body and throughout the universe.
Jero Mangku Geni is known to heal many forms of emotional wounds, from anxiety and deep sorrow to depression. He works with great care and compassion to alleviate the physical and emotional suffering of his patients by connecting directly with their spiritual roots.

You can find the healer at the following address: Jl. Raya Kapal No.84, Kapal, Mengwi, Bali. It is possible to write to him in advance via WhatsApp and arrange a meeting. Phone number: +62 878 6045 4505. Instagram:
Ida Resi Alit

Ida was born on March 14, 1986, into a farming family. Their small village is nestled among rice fields in the center of Bali. Komang was the name given to the girl at birth, and like many of her peers, she left home right after school in search of work. She ended up on Bintan Island near Singapore, hoping to find a good job to help her family. However, she soon discovered that God had other plans for her. Despite her efforts, Ida could not pass a single interview; every door closed in her face. In November 2006, after several months of fruitless job hunting, she was forced to return to Bali. Back home, she fell into a deep depression, unsure of what to do or where to go next.
Her grandfather, the village priest, noticing her condition, began to gradually teach Ida chakra meditation and yoga to help her cope with her depression. These practices resonated powerfully with her soul and became Ida's first step on the path to spiritual rebirth. It was then that God touched her with His hand and opened a direct channel of communication with the cosmos. The girl, who had previously shown no interest in religion and was far from spirituality, began to frequently experience out-of-body states. She had several near-death experiences. Once, during one of them, she received a revelation. By God's grace, she came to know her life's purpose.

Since then, she has exhibited exceptional mastery in mantra meditations and complex mudras, began to speak Sanskrit and other ancient languages with ease, and performed rituals and ceremonies previously unknown to her. News of her quickly spread across the island, and high priests began to visit her home to witness these miracles for themselves.
In February 2007, Ida met High Priest Nabe, who recommended that the Hindu Dharma Council bestow upon her the title of Supreme Priestess of Bali. After undergoing rigorous testing and examinations—requirements for anyone aspiring to the title of High Priest—the National Council of the Hindu Dharma Association supported her candidacy, and she was awarded the title of Supreme Priestess of Hindu Dharma. Her full spiritual name is now Ida Pandita Mpu Budha Maharsi Alit Parama Daksa, or simply Ida Resi. The title "Resi" is reserved for seers, saints, and sages who are custodians of Hindu religion and culture and are less influenced by Hinduism and Buddhism.

This was the most unusual case in the entire history of Bali; first of all, a woman became a High Priest. Typically, only the wives of High Priests hold such a title due to their husband's regalia. Secondly, no one had previously become a High Priest at such a young age. Ida Resi required only 21 days of intensive meditation practice to meet all the examination requirements, whereas the usual preparation process takes 3 to 5 years and decades of service in temples.
Ida now conducts the traditional Balinese water purification ceremony, Melukat, at her home, located 20 minutes from Ubud. Ida begins by praying over the water for a long time, reciting special mantras in an unusual voice in an ancient language. Then, she gradually pours this water, which has been infused with altered vibrations, over the individual while continuing to chant the mantras. Ida is also known as the Water Princess. This is because she helps people heal both physical and emotional wounds through the water purification ceremonies.

During the ceremony, almost everyone experiences a strong catharsis—an outpouring of emotions that have been suppressed inside, such as pain, fears, and grievances. These emotions often emerge through tears and screams, and sometimes through laughter and whole-body shaking. Ida supports and encourages, saying, "Allow your emotions to come out; now is your chance to release what has poisoned your life for many years." Some participants may experience numbness in their fingers and lips, similar to hyperventilation. Ida also emphasizes the importance of feeling one’s feet to maintain contact with the Earth.
When the ceremony concludes, a feeling of freedom, happiness, and lightness comes over the individual. Many participants see bright lights… In any case, each participant of the Melukat has their own unique experience.

The cost of a private ceremony for two people is 100 dollars, while for four people, it is 165 dollars. All donations go directly toward the construction of Ida's new ashram in Bangli. Ida Resi has a dream—to gather spiritual leaders of various faiths and religions at her ashram in Bali to work, preach, and heal for the benefit of all living beings. Her mission is World Spiritual Unity.
Ida Resi believes that no one has exclusive rights to communicate with God. Divine revelation, as Ida says, comes through many chosen individuals with one purpose: to bring the spirit of global unity into the world. All parts make up the whole, and the whole is contained within all parts. You can register for a Melukat ceremony with Ida Resi here.
Pak Nyoman (Pak Man)

Pak Nyoman is one of the most renowned healers in Bali. He was born in the Tampaksiring area but currently lives near the center of Ubud. Pak Nyoman is a hereditary balian, and his unusual abilities have been passed down from his ancestors. He also has a guru from whom Pak Nyoman trained for some time. The healer treats many ailments, such as cancer, the aftereffects of strokes, diabetes, fractures, musculoskeletal problems, migraines, digestive disorders, addictions, depression, stress, and he also removes black magic.
In his practice, he uses various methods, but primarily it involves therapeutic Balinese massage with special healing oils that he prepares himself. The session begins with a brief conversation. Pak Nyoman's wife is English, and she serves as a translator. You have the opportunity to share your issues and requests with the healer. However, in reality, words are not that important; he will see everything when he works with your body.
After the conversation, you proceed to a separate building that essentially serves as a temple. Inside, there is an altar and a mat for the patient to lie on. Pak Nyoman first prays to the gods, asking for blessings and strength, as it is divine energy that flows through his hands to heal the person. Sometimes, he offers patients a special paste made from medicinal plants and sacred water from the altar.

The massage then begins. The balian works on the entire body, but places special emphasis on the feet and wrists, where the primary active points of the energy meridians are located. He also applies significant pressure to the area around the navel, tuning the Navle Center. The massage can be quite painful, so be prepared to endure it. The older and more complex the block, the more reluctance and pain it will leave your body under the healer's skilled fingers.
Sometimes, during the massage, people experience memories from the past because unresolved situations and emotions do not just disappear. If at some point the energy has risen but has no outlet, it remains in the physical body as an energetic block (which is the root cause of the illness) and, on a mental level, as a pattern—an installation that we then follow throughout our lives. Such patterns are often completely false and lead us away from the Truth. As the balian works on the body, these memories are brought to the surface. This is why various emotions—anger, irritation, disgust, sadness—may arise during the session. The most important thing at that moment is not to hold them back but to allow them to come out.
The session lasts about an hour. After the treatment, Pak Nyoman recommends resting and, if possible, not driving, as you will likely feel as though you have been beaten up. You might even have bruises on your body. However, a subtle feeling of lightness and liberation will stay with you. It’s helpful to take a nap when you get home so that the energetic restructuring of your body can occur as gently as possible. Since the balian primarily works with subtle energies, time is needed for the changes to manifest in the more dense material world. Many physical problems that were troubling you may never return.
Pak Nyoman sees clients at his home, which is 20 minutes from Ubud. To make an appointment, you can write to his wife, Lucinda, on WhatsApp at +62 813 3893 5369. Pak Nyoman only accepts three people a day, daily except Sundays, so it is advisable to schedule an appointment in advance, ideally at least a month ahead. However, if your time in Bali is limited—go for it!
When visiting the balian, please dress modestly, ensuring your shoulders and knees are covered. Avoid visiting the balian during menstruation. The recommended donation is 550,000 rupiah; it's best to confirm the conditions when making a reservation. As a sign of respect, do not hand money directly to the healer; you can leave it with his wife, who will manage the translation during the healing session.
Jero Balian Putu Robinson

Jero Putu is a true balian and exorcist. He helps individuals afflicted by black magic to rid themselves of evil spirits and entities. For many years, Jero Putu has received people at his home. His family lives in very humble circumstances—just three small rooms: a tiny bedroom and a space for their home temple. Most of the people who come to Jero are Indonesians, so if you’ve been searching for a healer who isn’t well-known among white tourists, he is the one. Every day, people crowd into two rooms, the hallway, and the corridor, waiting for their turn. There are many people. They come from all over Bali and neighboring islands.
At the entrance, you can find a notebook for signing in, but often this means little, as many people wait in line for three days, camping out in the healer's yard for their turn. There is no official fee for the consultation; each person gives what they can, but it is essential to bring an offering—large baskets filled with various foods, primarily fruits and sweets. These offerings are placed in the home temple to thank the gods, as everyone understands that the balian in Bali does not heal with his own hands; divine energy flows through him.

Jero Putu is a balian who exorcises evil spirits from individuals and removes curses and spells. Typically, he begins with certain rituals, applying special oils to the patient's body and chanting mantras. When he exorcises evil spirits, people usually scream or laugh unnaturally, may start cursing and behaving in ways that are not characteristic of them, and most often, they end up not remembering what happened to them.
In fact, black magic is very common in Bali. Practically anyone can cast a spell by reciting certain mantras and performing simple rituals. Black magicians use the same energy as white magicians, but oddly enough, it is much easier to misuse that energy for malevolent purposes. In contrast, to heal people and help them, the healer must meditate extensively and purify themselves.

When Jero Putu begins to work, the first thing he does is summon the spirit, forcing it to manifest. The balian strongly compresses the patient’s hands and legs in specific areas until bruising occurs. This is incredibly painful but bearable. People who have spirits within them immediately start to behave strangely—screaming loudly, yelling, crying, shaking, dancing, bargaining with the balian, and pleading for him to leave them alone, for example: “I don’t want to leave this body; it’s beautiful, I like it. Go away, go away; you’re hurting me!” This means that the individual’s consciousness is completely replaced by the spirit’s consciousness, which begins to control the body and speech.

Interestingly, Putu enjoys performing in front of an audience. Sometimes he wears dark glasses, lets his hair down—hair that almost reaches his ankles—and starts communicating with the spirit while everyone observes. It’s a bit of a show. But Putu acts like a king; he never doubts that he is stronger than any spirit or demon residing in the patient. After a while, with just one motion of his hand (usually he draws his index finger across the patient’s throat as if cutting off their head), the person immediately loses consciousness. Jero Putu then chants mantras and sprinkles the person with holy water, and when they come to, it is as if nothing has happened—though they often leave feeling slightly dizzy, with a relieved smile on their faces.

The balian sees clients at his home in Denpasar, working from morning until evening. He often treats very poor people who cannot afford even medicine, those with strange, inexplicable illnesses, and people who have been completely overtaken by spirits… He does not turn anyone away; everyone who comes receives his help. You can find Jero Putu at this address. Contact number: +62 818 554 108.
I Putu Puspa

Putu is a healer and a kind-hearted, incredibly humble person. He sees clients at his home in Tegallalang, about a half-hour scooter ride from the center of Ubud. The setting is very simple, just like the healer himself. Putu works with the physical body, or more accurately, through the physical body, as the ultimate goal of any balian is to heal the spirit. The goal is the same; the tools differ, and for Putu, the tool is the physical body. The procedure can last about two hours, depending on the severity of your ailment. Sometimes, the healer may recommend several sessions.
Putu primarily works on specific points on the legs and arms, a bit on the back, and at the end of the session, on the head. He repeats the entire cycle twice. This is not a massage! Putu applies pressure to specific areas or rubs them vigorously. He manipulates joints, which can be quite painful. At the end of the session, Putu may give you a tincture or charged water to drink throughout the day. It is advisable for women to wear a swimsuit or elastic shorts for the session.

People generally seek Putu’s help for joint problems, various unexplained pains, lower back pain, hernias, gastrointestinal issues, and other organ-related problems, as each point on the human body corresponds to the function of a specific organ. He also helps after falls and accidents, and there are reports of Putu helping even paralyzed individuals regain their strength.
He always begins the session with a prayer and special meditation. By pressing on specific points, he isn’t just healing the physical body; he opens channels and helps release old blocks that impede the free flow of energy in the body, which in turn causes various illnesses.

Putu states that he is neither a magician nor a clairvoyant; he is merely a tool through which divine power and energy enter us. This is how remarkably humble and simple he is. Overall, the experience of working with him is very positive; he always radiates peace and friendliness.
Putu now speaks a little English. He sees clients at his home at this address. It’s best to write to him on WhatsApp to arrange an appointment. The healer accepts whatever amount of money you wish to give. He says if you feel helped significantly, then give generously; if not, then give less.

However, please do not be stingy, as Putu works on your body for two hours and addresses all points during that time. Additionally, Putu lives very modestly, especially considering he has three children. Despite all this, he does not charge a fixed price for his services, relying on God’s will. You can contact the balian at this number: +62 813 3804 4592. And here is his address.
Mangku Mastra

A unique opportunity when visiting Sidemen is to encounter Mangku Mastra, (Mangku meaning 'Holyman'). This unassuming and jovial Mangku was born and raised in Tabola Village. Mangku Mastra is a Healer, Yoga and Meditation Instructor, but his 'Chakra' Massage is, without doubt, a unique spiritual and emotional experience for those that seek him out.

The Chakra Massage is designed to open the 7 main energy centres of your body using mantras (a series of chants which create thought-energy waves). These, together with herbs and oil (created by Mangku Mastra himself) are not only used to realign your body energy but also to transfer energy. Mangku Mastra apply the next healing methods while working with you: Chakra Massage, Bayu Surya Yoga & Meditation, Palm Reading, Balinese Healing, Purification and Blessing.

Many have witnessed Mangku Mastras energy first hand and for sure, some have said that he definitely has higher powers and connection with the Divine! Here are some reviews from the people who have already experienced the power of Mangku Mastra’s healing:
“I saw Mangku twice during my stay in Bali. Since the first session, he shared very valuable advice for me after the chakra massage. He said things to me that he couldn’t know unless I had told him, which I didn’t. He felt my energy incredibly well and I’m forever grateful for his wide words and guidance. His full body chakra massage is strong and energetic, exactly what I needed. He is respectful, friendly and a great professional in what he does. If I’m lucky enough to come back to Bali, I’ll definitely make sure to meet him again”.

“Highly recommend Mangku Mastra Chakra Massage! Such a unique and wonderful experience. Went with my mom yesterday and she said: it’s the best massage I ever had in my life. Chatting with him at the end was really insightful”.
“It’s a very unique massage experience that you should try. It’s like a strong sports massage with somewhat loud shaman music in the background that puts you in a bit of trance. It’s relaxing to the muscles but with some pain level at times. The oils feel a bit tangy on the skin, creating a light burning sensation. I really enjoyed it!”
“Mangku Mastra is good at what he does. It’s both an energetically positive as well as a unique cultural experience. Recommend to contact him directly and go down to his house. Not as swanky as doing it at a hotel but a more genuine experience. He’s great to chat with too”.

You can find the balian at this address. Here is his WhatsApp: +62 857 3744 5765. Dress modestly covering your knees and shoulders and behave respectfully.
Mangku Jero Kayun

Jero is a healer of the fifth generation. Jero has unusual abilities: he can see people's auras and can adjust the functioning of chakras. If he feels that a chakra is closed, he can open the energy channels using energy, balancing the work of the chakras and removing blocks.

Jero works with the element of fire, so his main tool and method of therapy is Agnihotra—a very ancient and incredibly powerful fire purification ritual. Agnihotra has a very potent cleansing effect. During the ceremony, the atmosphere and space within a radius of 200 meters are purified, and a strong pranic flow from the cosmos is opened.

Agnihotra cleanses and heals people directly participating in the ritual, as well as those nearby, freeing the way for new, positive energies. After the Agnihotra ceremony, Jero also conducts "melukat" (a water purification ceremony) individually with each participant.

In addition to these two methods, Jero is also a balian-usada. He can see where a person has energy stagnation and cauterizes these areas with his hands. In those places where a person's energy flows poorly, a burning sensation will be felt. He also prepares medicinal oils and herbal infusions for various ailments and diseases. After personal communication and a check-up, Jero may prescribe one of his potions, which needs to be applied where he indicates. In some cases, he can prepare oil specifically tailored to your needs and requests.

Jero works at his home in Tegallalang, just 15 minutes from Ubud. He speaks very little English, but this issue can easily be resolved with Google Translate. You can find the healer at this address. First contact Jero by writing to him on WhatsApp: +62 813 5329 3176.
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