BPJS. Insurance for KITAS Visa Holders in Indonesia

All residents of Indonesia, including immigrants residing in the country for six months or more, are obligated to obtain health insurance (BPJS Kesehatan).
If you work for a company, whether local or foreign, you will receive what is known as BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.
Meanwhile, health insurance BPJS Kesehatan in Indonesia is obtained by individuals. For example, investors holding KITAS (Temporary Stay Permit Card) can open this health insurance.

Health insurance BPJS Ketenagakerjaan

BPJS Ketenagakerjaan is provided by companies to protect all their employees. In addition to BPJS, other types of independent insurance are also available. Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Ketenagakerjaan is the agency for social employment insurance.
This type of employee insurance is mandatory for any company. If you are a company owner, you must register all your employees under the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan program. If you work for a company in Indonesia, your company should assist you in obtaining the social employment insurance card (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan).
BPJS Kesehatan and BPJS Ketenagakerjaan are mandatory for employees in Indonesia. Anyone living in Indonesia and working for a company based in Indonesia must have two types of BPJS. They serve policyholders differently.
If you have a social security card (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan), you will have several types of basic protection:
- JHT (Jaminan Hari Tua) - protection upon leaving the company, especially if you have worked for 10 years or more in the same enterprise.
- JKK (Jaminan Kecelakaan Kerja) - protection against accidents at work. If any accidents happen during working hours or in connection with tasks performed during work, you will receive compensation for injuries or medical treatment.
- JK (Jaminan Kematian) - protection in case of death. Provided if an employee dies while working for the company.
- JP (Jaminan Pensiun) - pension protection. Provided upon reaching the retirement age.
Monthly payments for the social security program BPJS Ketenagakerjaan must be paid by both the company and the cardholder employee. Both sides must contribute to BPJS based on the type of protection and the amount of monthly salary received. If an employee is an independent member of the program, they must independently make monthly contributions.

Health insurance BPJS Kesehatan

This type of insurance is personal (non-work-related), allowing individuals to independently insure themselves as private individuals with a KITAS. If you have an investor KITAS, you can use it to insure not only yourself but also up to five close relatives. It is essential for them to have long-term visas in Indonesia.

About the insurance

There are three service classes for BPJS Kesehatan, which differ slightly in cost.
Class I: Monthly fee of 150,000 IDR provides comprehensive amenities during hospitalization, including spacious rooms with TV, air conditioning, private bathrooms, three meals a day, and laundry services.
Class II: Monthly fee of 100,000 IDR provides fewer amenities than Class I, such as smaller rooms, no TV, shared bathrooms, three meals a day, and laundry services.
Class III: Monthly fee of 42,000 IDR is the basic level, offering elementary amenities like shared rooms, no TV, shared bathrooms, three meals a day, and laundry services.
In the future, the government plans to eliminate class distinctions in BPJS Kesehatan, replacing them with a standard level of hospital care (KRIS) that will provide equal services to all participants.
It's crucial to choose your category wisely as changing it later can be challenging. Once registered, monthly payments will be automatically deducted from your account.
BPJS doesn't cover certain dental services (orthodontics), plastic surgery, and injuries from active/extreme sports. Home visits by medical personnel and procedures conducted at home are also not covered. However, there are no limitations on coverage amounts.
BPJS insurance is a decent budget option for KITAS holders. While not a comprehensive solution, it provides essential coverage and is better than having no insurance.

How to use

In case of illness, you will be directed to a local doctor in the affiliated clinic (puskesmas kesehatan) covered by your insurance. You will learn the clinic's name, address, and contacts when receiving your BPJS card in the Denpasar office. Contact the clinic through the provided number to schedule an appointment with the desired doctor. In some clinics, you may have to wait in a live queue. The doctor will prescribe treatment and medications, with the insurance possibly covering part of the medication cost. If the treatment is ineffective, the doctor will refer you to a higher-level hospital. If the situation repeats in that hospital, you will receive another referral to a better clinic or one with the specialist you need.
With this insurance, you cannot visit expensive international-standard clinics like BIMC or Kasih Ibu without the appropriate referral. Emergencies are exceptions, and in such cases, you can confidently go to the nearest hospital. Even if you don't have your insurance card, showing a photo on your phone or stating the card number is usually sufficient.
Important reminder! If you were riding without a helmet during an accident or lacked a driver's license, it won't be considered an insurance case, and you'll have to cover all expenses yourself.

How to Apply

Gather necessary documents: originals and copies of passport and KITAS. If including family members, provide birth certificates for children and a marriage certificate, translated into English or ideally into the Indonesian language, along with a bank card from a local bank.
Note: Not all banks are accepted. Mandiri, BNI, BRI, BCA, BTN, Citibank, and Panin Bank are suitable. Verify this information on the official website. Visit the Denpasar office with all documents, fill out an application, and attach yourself to the clinic. Approximately two weeks later, you can pick up your card (they'll notify you by email when it's ready). Each family member entitled to a separate personalized BPJS card. Keep in mind that the office is open on weekdays until 3:00 PM, and Saturday and Sunday are weekends.
If you want more services, you can opt for additional private medical insurance at your expense.

Additional Types of Insurance in Indonesia

1. Life insurance: Pays out in case of death, and the benefit can be claimed before death in some cases, albeit usually with a smaller sum.
2. Health insurance: If you already have BPJS Kesehatan and need extra protection, you can register for independent medical insurance.
3. Transport insurance: Protects your vehicle in case of accidents, incidents due to disorder, catastrophe, theft, etc. Verify the covered incidents before choosing a specific insurance provider.
4. Home and property insurance: If you own property, you can register it for this insurance program to protect against potential damage. Thoroughly study the contract terms to ensure coverage under various circumstances.
5. Travel insurance: Short-term insurance protecting the owner during travel - from departure to return home.
For those without KITAS and not working in Indonesia, two options exist to obtain insurance (non-BPJS):
1. Private Asian and international companies offer various conditions. Search for "international travel insurance." For expats and long-term stays, consider insurance from SafetyWing or Genki, which can be obtained at any time regardless of when you arrived in Indonesia.

Tips for Choosing Insurance

1. Conduct extensive research on various insurance agents or companies. Compare them to learn about the positive and negative aspects of the services they offer. Don't forget to read customer reviews about companies and services.
2. Choose the type of insurance that you genuinely need. Remember that BPJS Kesehatan and BPJS Ketenagakerjaan are mandatory for workers.
3. Ensure that the insurance product you choose has an AAJI license, a license for a registered and legal insurance company or agent. If the insurance company cannot provide its AAJI license, the insurance products issued by that company are obviously illegal.
4. Align your needs with your financial capabilities.
5. Consider the territorial aspect. Regarding health insurance, some products allow you to receive benefits if you undergo medical procedures abroad. However, since this type of insurance requires substantial contributions, consider whether you really need it.
6. Consider an insurance product that offers the easiest and hassle-free reimbursement. Some types of health insurance allow for cashless benefits (they will directly pay hospital bills), while others provide reimbursement after the procedures (you have to pay for the treatment upfront). Choose the type that suits you best.
I have a theory that hospitals just ignore even contacting BPJS, which is why the information doesn't reach them.
A month ago, I had a broken elbow; I fell from the stairs (yes, actually from the stairs 😂), went to the hospital with BPJS in the morning, gave my card, got an X-ray, was examined, and placed in a room, but initially they said the operation would be in 2 days. In the evening, they came and said I'd have to wait 5 days, so I asked to go home and return a day before the surgery. They started running around, finding things out, and after about 40 minutes, they returned and said my BPJS wasn't active, it wouldn't cover anything, here's the bill.
I was with a local employee, sent him to figure it out, and after about 1.5 hours, they offered to solve the problem completely the next day because I didn't want to pay out of pocket. The issue turned out to be that I missed a payment (it was made, but later than the due date every month).
The next day, a BPJS representative came, fined me 100% of the overdue amount, and after payment, the insurance covered 100% of the operation, worth around 100 million (possibly more). As I understood from my case, they made the request to BPJS only when I said I wanted to go home, and before that, no one even thought to check my card or make any requests.
Hello everyone. I don't see many reviews in the chat, so I'll write my own. My eye got infected, so I decided to try BPJS. I went to the designated clinic (Kimia Farma) on Friday evening. There was a reception, a queue, and then a doctor. My eye had looked quite bad for a couple of days, although I was using antibiotic drops. The doctor just looked at it and said we'd try other drops first, and if it didn't improve in a couple of days, she would refer me to a hospital. I said, are you kidding, it's my eyes, let's do it now. She pulled a sour face, named four clinics which didn't include Mandara, three unknown to me, and Bali Royal Hospital. I asked which was best for eyes. She said they're all the same, with the same sour face. I chose Bali Royal. I arrived there the same Friday, and they said appointments were only through WhatsApp. I booked an appointment for Saturday morning. On Saturday morning they informed me the doctor would only be available on Monday evening. My eye was hurting terribly, the white was red, and it was excruciating to open it in the light, so I went back to the general clinic. At the reception, I asked for another hospital. They gave me a place I didn't know. I asked, is it any good? They said it's a specialized eye hospital! So yesterday's doctor didn't bother to mention that. They gave me a WhatsApp number to book an appointment within 2 hours. Whether the doctor was there on Saturday morning, I don't know, they didn't send me, everything was through reception. It seemed there wasn't a doctor. So maybe it's worth going on weekend mornings.
At the eye hospital, I waited for about an hour and a half, they checked everything, gave me medication, and my eye healed in 2 days. The referral is valid for 3 months.
We decided to try bpjs in action, as our little one recently turned one, so a routine check-up was due. We had a recommendation from a neurologist back in Russia to have a follow-up ultrasound, and that's where we started. Since our situation is not urgent, as mentioned when we got the insurance, we went to a first-level clinic to a general practitioner. Here we got our first surprise because the clinic named to my husband during registration told us that we were assigned to a different place. When we arrived at the second address, I was initially upset and wanted to go to bpjs to correct the assignment because it was literally a tiny office, hardly a clinic) but then I saw the advantages - no queue at all, we registered very quickly and were immediately seen. Without unnecessary questions, they issued a referral to a neurologist, without even asking for any confirmations, and as I understood, we could choose any hospital, they offered Mandara. Honestly, I wasn't prepared for the option to choose, so I agreed) The referral is valid for 3 months on any day. I'll share the outcome of the visit later.
Conclusions - double-check the clinic you are assigned to. Twice 😅 small first-level clinics are not always bad - rather it's more likely that you'll be directed to a specialist hospital immediately without attempts to treat you independently.
#experience #bpjs
Did owners of kitas know that Kasih Ibu hospitals are included in the local Bpjs insurance? 😉
Hospital staff provided us with BPJS insurance on the first day of our child's life (this is temporary insurance, valid for the first three months, and should be properly reissued during this time). While I stayed in the room, my husband was communicating with the staff on the ground floor, and they then sent some messages and the insurance number for payment.

By the way, the insurance immediately covered the treatment for jaundice, which began on the third day.
Well, it works like our OMS - you attach yourself to the clinic of your choice (it's better to choose one with a good rating on Google Maps), you go there when you have problems - they do an initial examination and help if they have your doctor - if not, they send you to a hospital (a good one near Nusa Dua called something like 'Surya there'), and there a doctor examines you and decides - either to send you further up to Siloam or to treat you (usually they try to treat you) - medicines are given for free right there in the basement.
The best part is that if you have something serious, the insurance even covers unlimited time in the hospital and treatment. Dentistry too, by the way, so it's better to choose a clinic with a good dentist. There are some restrictions regarding things like bone implants and some complex operations, but generally it seems to cover everything.
It costs 100-150k rupiahs per month depending on the class — 100k means you'll be in a ward with 4-5 Indonesians, 150k with 2-3. You can change the class after a year of usage. By the way, they don't accept payment from all banks - Permata doesn't work - I opened an account in BCA specifically for this via KITAS.
The day before yesterday, I filled out a form, signed one paper, got the payment details, and that's it 😁
I chose Class 1 + accident insurance (the standard covers only falls without involving others)
The nearest ones to Ubud are here
BPJS Health is equivalent to private health insurance. You can register on behalf of a company or as an individual applicant (only if you have a KITAS).

For foreigners residing in Indonesia, BPJS Health can offer the following benefits:

1️⃣ Enrollment in the program provides foreigners access to Indonesia's public healthcare system, including primary and specialized medical care, hospitalization, and medical procedures.

2️⃣ BPJS Health covers preventive healthcare services, including vaccination, regular check-ups, and screenings.

3️⃣ Participation in BPJS Health helps reduce healthcare expenses due to subsidies provided by the government.

4️⃣ The insurance covers part of the costs for prescription medications.

5️⃣ In emergencies, foreigners participating in the program can receive urgent medical care under BPJS Health coverage.


Registration requires a personal visit to the office.
❗️A mandatory condition is to have stayed in Indonesia for the last 6 months without leaving.

The following information is required for registration:
- Your mother's name
- Email and Indonesian phone number
- Blood group
- Residential address in Indonesia
- Amount of your salary

❗️When registering on behalf of a company, the salary must be indicated. If it is less than 4.5 million rupiah, the service class will be the second, but the minimum salary for a foreign citizen is 5 million or more, in which case the service class will be the first.

You can read more about the division of service classes on our website

❗️Insurance premiums are paid separately each month directly to the insurance organization. The amount of the premium depends on the class and salary of the employee, but usually, the monthly contribution is around 50-150 thousand rupiah per person.

❗️If you want to register personally as an individual applicant, you must provide all the information except the salary and independently choose the service class:
1st class - 150,000 IDR
2nd class - 100,000 IDR
3rd class - 50,000 IDR

You also need to select a clinic where you will be served when registering.🙏

You can contact us to register for the BPJS Health program.
The cost of assistance and help in filling out the forms is 500,000 rupiah.

Contact us:
Telegram - @legalindonesia / @LegalIndonesiaBot
WhatsApp - https://wa.me/628179677771
Automatic debits from Permata don't go through, but you can make payments from the company's account in Permata. To do this, at the beginning of the month, you need to transfer to Bank BRI to the 16-digit virtual account given to you upon registration in BPJS HEALTH. The payment is processed within 1 day.
Sharing my experience of obtaining BPJS insurance with a KITAS (must be valid for more than 6 months)

1. Come here with your passports, copies of them, printed KITAS, marriage certificate, and birth certificates for each child. They also asked for a bank account document, but it didn't seem to be necessary (issued with the card)


2. Get a ticket on the first floor. Say you are applying for insurance. They help fill it out right there on the first floor.

3. Choose a clinic that's convenient for you.

4. Go to the second floor with the ticket and application and wait for your turn. When they call, submit it.

5. In two weeks, you will need to pay (I paid through GoPay) and come to pick up the cards.

We waited for 2:30, and got the card in a minute. Maybe you just need to ask for it to be issued faster.
About Opening BPJS Insurance

If you were denied insurance in Denpasar because your KITAS is less than six months old
or you have been on the island for less than six months, you can try to open BPJS insurance at the office in Ginyar.

My KITAS is 2 months old, I was denied twice in Denpasar. In Ginyar, they opened the insurance today without any questions.

P.S. It is advisable to check in advance which clinic is convenient for you and show it on the map, so you are not assigned to Ginyar. The staff's English is not great.

Local insurance BPJS is provided for those with a KITAS valid for at least 6 months, and is done at the BPJS office in Denpasar, opposite the Immigration Office. No agents involved. The most expensive one costs 150k per month.

It allows you to receive free medical treatment. In case of an emergency, you can go to almost any hospital, including BIMC, Siloam, and others. They will accept you and, if necessary, hospitalize you for free.

If you want free outpatient treatment, go to a clinic to see a family doctor first. If they can't help, they will refer you to a specialist clinic.
Chat user's review: I obtained the local so-called 'state-like' BPJS insurance. With a new KITAS of less than six months, they don't want to give it; first, the security guard won't let you in, then they'll turn you away at the window. However, if you've lived in Bali for more than six months over the last year, with a good command of the language and persistence, it will work out. You need to have a BCA, BNI, BRI, BTN, or Mandiri card. Initially, they started refusing me due to using Permata and Maybank, but eventually made a final exception and asked me to tell 'everyone' I know that it won't happen again 😁. First class insurance costs 150k rupiah a month. Motorbike injuries, when you have a license and helmet, are covered.
Chat user review: Received local 'state-like' insurance BPJS. They don't want to give it with a new KITAS for less than six months; first, a security guard won't let you in, then they'll turn you away at the window. But if you've lived in Bali for more than half a year in the last year, with good persuasion skills and persistence, you can get it. You need to have a BCA, BNI, BRI, BTN, or Mandiri card. Initially, with Permata and Maybank, they started to refuse me, but eventually made a last exception and asked to inform all 'my kind' that it won't be possible again. First-class insurance costs 150k rupiahs per month. Bike injuries are covered if you have a license and helmet.
Hello everyone. I was at BPJS in Denpasar today. They didn't want to process it for a KITAS of less than 6 months. The documents required are the same as mentioned above: KITAS (from 6 months), passport, local bank BCA, BRI, BNI, Mandiri...
We're currently battling with BPJS, and I'm sure many would find it helpful to know these "nuances" in advance, so to speak 😁

1. When you first open the insurance at the office, they ask which clinic you're affiliated with.
And even if you mention multiple times that you are seeing a specific doctor and plan to give birth at BROS (*insert your clinic), double-check and confirm which clinic they are affiliating you with, as this is crucial!

Our situation: we explained this to the lady and even showed documents from Evert and BROS, but somehow she randomly picked a clinic in Kerobokan in the system, from which getting a referral for delivery at BROS is impossible.
As a result, the insurance won't work at all.

2. Changing the affiliation to the required clinic takes them 3 months 🫣

The issue was resolved after 4 hours of negotiations between my husband and the main manager at the office, but during those 4 hours, two other couples with the same problem came to the office and were just turned away with the statement that nothing could be done.

3. You must visit the affiliated clinic for an appointment, directly with the doctor, who will perform a full examination, create a medical record, and issue a referral to the clinic where you plan to give birth.

4. With this referral, you must go to your planned clinic (BROS in my case) BEFORE giving birth and enter all your data into their system.

Only after all these actions will BPJS be activated and start working, allowing you to cover certain services during your delivery.

14 days must pass from the activation date (the visit to the affiliated clinic).

At BROS, they told me they cover natural delivery from 4cm dilation and above, plus all emergency procedures.
We're dealing with BPJS here, and I'm sure knowing these 'nuances' in advance will be useful to many, so to speak 😁

1. When you open insurance at the office for the first time, you'll be asked which clinic to attach you to.
Even if you've mentioned ten times that you're seeing a specific doctor and plan to give birth at BROS (substitute your clinic of choice), make sure to double-check which clinic they're attaching you to. It's crucial!

Our situation: we explained all this to the lady and even showed documents from Evert and BROS, but for some reason, she randomly picked a clinic in Kerobokan from which getting a referral for delivery at BROS is impossible.
As a result, the insurance won't work at all.

2. Changing your assigned clinic to the correct one takes them 3 months. 🫣

The issue was resolved after my husband spent 4 hours negotiating with the main manager at the office, but during these 4 hours, two more couples with the same problem showed up at the office and were simply turned away and told nothing could be done.

3. It's essential to visit the clinic you're assigned to, see the doctor there for a complete examination, get a card issued, and receive a referral to the clinic where you plan to give birth.

4. With that referral, you must visit your clinic (in my case, BROS) BEFORE giving birth and register all your data in the system.

Only after all these actions will your BPJS be activated and start working, allowing you to cover certain insurance services for your childbirth.

From the moment of activation (which is the visit to your assigned clinic), 14 days must pass.

At BROS, I was told they cover normal deliveries starting from 4 cm dilation and all emergency procedures.
So, at the main BPJS office in Denpasar, you go in, and the security guard asks how long you have been holding your KITAS. You tell them six months, then you go to the manager on the second floor and she doesn't care when you got your KITAS. You can proceed smoothly. Tested. It’s better to arrive 10 minutes before opening to avoid waiting in line.
from Ratmir Ratmir:
In short, when you go to the main BPJS office in Denpasar, the security guard asks how long you've had your KITAS, say six months, then go to the manager on the second floor, and she doesn't care when you got your KITAS. You can complete the process without any trouble. Tested and true. It's best to arrive 10 minutes before opening to avoid queues.