Search results for the query: insurance

Health, medicine
Upd. 16/02/24
Insurances from international companies

I won't delve into colorful descriptions of how expensive healthcare is in Bali. It's a fact. Everyone has long concluded that, in the event of a serious incident, any insurance, even the most expensi…

Insurances from international companies
Cars, bikes
Auto and motorcycle insurance in Bali

In case of troubles involving the police in Bali, law enforcement officers almost always tend to side with their citizens. For a foreigner involved in a traffic accident, deportation and imprisonment…

Auto and motorcycle insurance in Bali
Cars, bikes
Insurance. To Get or Not to Get?

Is bike insurance necessary?

Some tourists try to save money and skip insurance, relying on their careful driving and good karma.

However, no matter how experienced and cautious you are, we always recommend getting insurance.

Insurance. To Get or Not to Get?
Health, medicine
Upd. 21/11/24
BPJS. Insurance for KITAS Visa Holders in Indonesia

All residents of Indonesia, including immigrants residing in the country for six months or more, are obligated to obtain health insurance (BPJS Kesehatan).

If you work for a company, whether local or foreign, you will receive what is known as BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

BPJS. Insurance for KITAS Visa Holders in Indonesia

Local insurance BPJS is provided for those with a KITAS valid for at least 6 months, and is done at the BPJS office in Denpasar, opposite the Immigration Office. No agents involved. The most expensive…


About Opening BPJS Insurance If you were denied insurance in Denpasar because your KITAS is less than six months old / or you have been on the island for less than six months, you can try to open BPJS…

Cars, bikes
Upd. 06/10/23
Why do you need bike insurance?

After the bike rental, it came back with the following damages:

The official dealer estimated the repair cost at 4,175,000 IDR, while the insurance costs only 420,000 IDR‼️

Why do you need bike insurance?