Bali Ramps Up Action on Helmetless Riding in Canggu

The increasing number of traffic violations by foreigners has not gone unnoticed by the Bali traffic police. A raid in Canggu targeted foreigners and motorcycle taxi drivers who were stopped for not wearing helmets or for carrying more than one passenger. Local residents were also penalized for using custom exhaust pipes, known as “brong.”
Foreigners account for a significant portion of traffic offenses in this area, with the most common violation being riding without a helmet. The police have urged motorbike rental services to be more selective, especially with tourists, and to ensure that the renters possess a valid license for operating two-wheeled vehicles.
“We also call on online taxi drivers to follow the traffic rules and insist their passengers wear helmets. We will take action against drivers who don’t comply,” said Badung Police Chief Sugianta.
During this one-hour raid, eight violations were recorded. The police confiscated two motorcycles, seized four problematic motorbike registration documents (STNK), and stopped two drivers without licenses.
Some Canggu residents argue that it’s difficult to get into an accident given the area’s slow-moving traffic. However, even at low speeds, serious head injuries can occur, especially if a fall happens, so helmets are crucial. No matter how slow the ride seems or how close the destination, a helmet should always be worn, as unexpected accidents can happen, especially with inexperienced tourists on the road.
With police raids becoming more frequent, Canggu residents and Bali locals now have more reasons to never leave home without a helmet.
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