Search results for the query: singapore

Visas & extensions
Upd. 13/02/24
Transit through Singapore and a free transit visa

Transit visa for 96 hours (4 days).

You are entitled to such a visa if you are flying through Singapore to a third country in transit. For example, Kuala Lumpur — Singapore — Bali. If you are flying Bali — Singapore — Bali, then this is…

Transit through Singapore and a free transit visa
Upd. 06/01/24
Transiting through Singapore and Free Transit Visa

Transit visa for 96 hours (4 days)…

You are eligible for such a visa if you are flying through Singapore to a third country in transit. For example, Kuala Lumpur — Singapore — Bali. If you are flying Bali — Singapore — Bali, it is not c…

Indonesia & Asia
Upd. 24/09/23
Singapore Travel Guide. Three-day route

If you are traveling to Singapore in transit and have a ticket to a third country, you can enter on a transit visa, which is valid for 96 hours. This works according to the rule of, for example, Indon…

Singapore Travel Guide. Three-day route
Indonesia & Asia
Upd. 17/10/23
Singapore Airport - a gem for travelers

If you're contemplating which route to take when flying to Bali and among your options you're considering a layover in Singapore, just imagine the architectural marvel you can experience by spending a…

Singapore Airport - a gem for travelers
SeminyakMirror Lounge & Club
Feb 23, from 18:00 to 00:00
CangguVault Nightclub Bali
Jan 29, from 22:00 to 02:00
BerawaVault Nightclub Bali
Jan 29, from 22:00 to 04:00