VARVARA / Children International Centre

Type of place
VARVARA / Children International Centre embraces the Sunshine approach as the cornerstone of its educational philosophy.
This approach is designed to unlock the innate potential and talents of every child. The school strives to foster and develop each child's natural qualities and abilities.
They highlight the children's talents, celebrate their uniqueness, and guide them towards areas where their strengths can truly thrive.
They emphasize the children's talents, celebrate their uniqueness, and steer them towards areas where their strengths can truly flourish.
VARVARA / Children International Centre offers:
- Safe, comfortable, and well-equipped environment.
- Dedicated groups with caring teachers, soft mats, and age-appropriate materials and furniture.
- Small groups of up to 15 children.
- Individualized approach with enriching developmental activities.
- Adaptation group for children aged 1.7 - 2.5 years.
- Nutritious breakfasts provided.
- Option for a trial week.
- Convenient attendance schedule: Monday to Friday, 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
Cost: 8,500,000 IDR per month.