Hidden Canyon Beji Guwang

Type of place
A quiet natural area in a remote location with natural pools, waterfalls, and oddly-shaped rocks.
You can hike through a mountain river canyon here. Climbing skills and fording rocky streams will be useful. Wear comfortable clothes. There's a spot in the canyon where you'll need to shift your weight and cling to the ledges.
If you haven't done climbing before, you'll have to wade through this point in the river up to your waist in water. You can hire a guide who will explain all the nuances of the canyon. Be sure to bring drinking water. The route is circular. After the canyon, you'll walk through the forest, pass by rice fields, and return to the parking lot. During the rainy season, the water level in the river sometimes rises so high that the route is closed to visitors. The canyon is called rainbow because the rock surfaces form rainbow lines in photos.