The Waterfalls of Java

Java, like much of the Indonesian archipelago, is of volcanic origin, with an elongated shape and rugged, mountainous terrain. From its high peaks, rivers rush down, creating breath-taking waterfalls that offer stunning views of the island’s mountain ranges. Java is divided into three main provinces—West Java, Central Java, and East Java—plus two special regions: Jakarta and Yogyakarta. In this article, we’ll explore the unique waterfalls in each province.
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East Java

East Java is home to numerous beautiful waterfalls, found in various locations across the region. Here are a few highlights:

Tumpak Sewu Waterfall

Image: Tumpak Sewu Waterfall
Often called Nirwana Cliff, Tumpak Sewu is nestled in Sidomulyo Village, Pronojiwo District, Lumajang Regency, close to the popular Goa Tetes cave, known for its beautiful stalactites.
Reaching Tumpak Sewu is quite the trek—it’s about 55 kilometres (or a two-hour drive) from Lumajang city. Once at the entrance gate, visitors need to walk a bit further to witness the full splendour of the waterfall. The journey is well worth it, as the awe-inspiring view of Nirwana Cliffs awaits, with water cascading like curtains from a height of 120 meters. For those seeking extra adventure, the base of Tumpak Sewu can be explored, but the steep terrain makes this hike suitable only for the physically fit.
Entrance fees are 10,000 IDR per person, with parking costing 5,000 IDR for motorcycles and 10,000 IDR for cars.

Madakaripura Waterfall

Image: Madakaripura Waterfall
Situated in Negororejo Village, Lumbang District, Probolinggo Regency, Madakaripura Waterfall offers breath-taking natural scenery. Located about 37 kilometres from Probolinggo city centre, visitors can reach the waterfall by walking along a 1.5 km trail from the entrance.
The waterfall, with a towering height of 200 meters, leaves visitors in awe. The soothing sound of rushing water, combined with the cool, refreshing air, creates a peaceful atmosphere. The surrounding shady trees only add to its beauty. Be prepared to get wet, as water cascades not just from the centre of the waterfall but also from rock crevices. For those looking to stay dry, a raincoat is recommended.
The entrance fee for foreign tourists is 53,500 IDR.

Coban Pelangi Waterfall

Image: Coban Pelangi Waterfall
Coban Pelangi, located in Ngadas Village, Poncokusumo District, Malang Regency, is part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. Reaching this stunning waterfall requires some effort, as it’s about 32 km from Malang city, followed by a 1 km walk along a fairly steep trail.
Despite the challenging journey, the surrounding natural beauty makes the trip worthwhile, and there are food and drink stalls along the way to refresh visitors. The waterfall stands at an impressive 110 meters, surrounded by cliffs and lush tropical greenery. True to its name, a rainbow ("pelangi") often appears under the right lighting conditions. The air around the waterfall is refreshingly cool, with temperatures around 19°C. However, it’s best to avoid visiting during bad weather due to potential flood risks.
The entrance fee is 10,000 IDR on weekdays and 15,000 IDR on weekends.

Dlungkung Waterfall

Image: Dlungkung Waterfall
Situated in Mojokerto Regency, near Surabaya, Dlungkung Waterfall stands at an impressive 60 meters high and is a must-visit for nature lovers.
Surrounded by a lush grove of trees, visitors can enjoy the refreshing coolness of the air as the water cascades down from above. The waterfall is easily accessible, with smooth and convenient roads leading to this beautiful spot.
The entrance fee is 15,000 IDR.

Central Java

Jumog Waterfall

Image: Jumog Waterfall
Nestled in Karanganyar Regency near Surakarta, Jumog Waterfall is a stunning cascade with multiple streams of water tumbling down through lush tropical forests. The pools at the base not only provide a breath-taking view but also offer a perfect spot for swimming and relaxation. Reaching the waterfall involves a walk along narrow, forested trails, adding a touch of adventure to the experience.
Jumog Waterfall is a favourite among both locals and tourists, offering a peaceful escape into Central Java’s natural beauty, surrounded by greenery and the soothing sounds of nature.
The entrance fee is 15,000 IDR.

Kedung Kayang Waterfall

Image: Kedung Kayang Waterfall
Located in the Gunung Kidul Nature Reserve at the base of Merbabu Volcano, Kedung Kayang is a breath-taking waterfall surrounded by cliffs and lush tropical forests. The cascading water forms stunning curtains and crystal-clear pools, creating natural basins that are perfect for relaxation and photography.
This serene spot attracts both locals and tourists who come to enjoy the tranquillity of nature and immerse themselves in the peaceful atmosphere of this beautiful waterfall.
The entrance fee is 4,000 IDR, with motorcycle parking available for 2,000 IDR.

Jenggala Waterfall

Image: Jenggala Waterfall
Situated near Purwokerto, Jenggala Waterfall is a breath-taking sight where water cascades down smooth cliffs, creating crystal-clear streams and soothing sounds. The vibrant tropical surroundings and magnificent views make it a perfect spot for adventure seekers and nature lovers alike.
The entrance fee is 10,000 IDR per person.

Cipendok Waterfall

Image: Cipendok Waterfall
Located 25 km from Purwokerto, Cipendok Waterfall is a popular destination for camping and hiking enthusiasts. Standing 93 meters tall, its powerful flow can be heard long before you reach it. Opened as a tourist attraction in 1987, Cipendok is situated in Karangtengah Village, Cilongok District, Banyumas Regency, about 20 kilometres from Purwokerto city centre. The access road is well-paved, though parts of it are mountainous. The waterfall is just a 500-meter walk from the parking area, which offers souvenir stalls, benches, gazebos, and a playground.
Entrance fees are 10,000 IDR, with parking fees of 3,000 IDR for motorcycles and 5,000 IDR for cars.

West Java

Cikaso Waterfall

Image: Cikaso Waterfall
Located in Sukabumi Regency, Cikaso Waterfall is one of the region’s most stunning natural attractions. The waterfall boasts three impressive streams that cascade from a great height, surrounded by lush tropical forests and cliffs. Each stream forms its own water curtain, creating crystal-clear pools at the base.
Cikaso Waterfall is a popular destination for visitors seeking to experience the tranquility and beauty of Indonesia's natural landscapes.
The entrance fee is 10,000 IDR.

Nangka Waterfall

Image: Nangka Waterfall
Nestled in the suburbs of Bogor, Nangka Waterfall is known not only for its natural beauty but also for its refreshing mountain water. Surrounded by lush trees, picturesque cliffs, and large boulders, the waterfall stands 30-40 meters tall, with a powerful flow originating from Mount Salak, creating a thunderous roar.
One unique feature of Nangka is the surrounding pine forest, offering fresh air and towering trees. Unlike many other waterfalls, Nangka is well-maintained by an official caretaker, ensuring the area stays clean and tidy. Note that visitors need to cross a river to reach the waterfall, so be prepared to wade through the water.
The waterfall also features a small natural pool, about 4 meters wide, where visitors can swim. However, caution is advised due to the strong currents in the river.
The journey from Jakarta to Nangka Waterfall takes about 1 hour and 27 minutes, covering 67.1 km.
Entrance fees for foreign visitors are 305,000 IDR on weekdays and 450,000 IDR on weekends.
Visiting Java's waterfalls offers more than just breath-taking views—it's a chance for adventure, an immersion in a unique ecosystem, and an opportunity to soak in the serenity and beauty of tropical forests.
Translated from the original article by Elena Subakti.
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