The village of Pinggan (Desa Pinggan) in Kintamani

Photo by TripTrus
The village of Pinggan is located at the northern edge of the outer large caldera of Mount Batur. It is better to get to it along the upper edge of the caldera, in a circle, than to climb from Lake Batur. The ascent from Batur will be steep, the road is not always in good condition. If you go around the western and then the northern part, the road also has twists and turns, but the surface itself is newer.
But in both cases, make sure to check your bike's brakes.

The village of Pinggan is located at an altitude of 1300 meters above sea level. It is believed that it appeared when a family of a Chinese merchant arrived here, founding the settlement. It was in the times of the reign of King Jaya Pangus, who was in power from 1181 to 1268. King Pangus married a daughter from a Chinese family, named Kang Ching We. There are also other villages in the vicinity with Chinese names, such as Songan.
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Coming here at sunrise is good to enjoy a view similar to what Batu conquerors see, but without the need to climb up here.
Sunrise begins around 6 am. But it is better to arrive around 5 am to find the most beautiful and suitable place for photography.
Photo by hendrisuhandi
There is a website that shows the exact time of dawn and even the time of different kinds of dusk. You can use it to check the time when you should arrive.
Be careful. If you are alone, residents may approach you and start demanding money for taking photos, claiming it is their land. But if you do not want to argue, you can negotiate and pay less.

If you argue with them, they can start behaving aggressively. The sunrise meeting point mentioned above is a public area. There is a camping area, so if it is free, you can spend the night there in a tent.
In the mountains, it is quite cool, and at sunrise, it can be even colder, so make sure to bring warm clothes.

If you go to the caldera of Batur from the south, you will need to buy a ticket to the Kintamani area at the entrance. It costs 30,000 rupees.
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