On October 10th and 11th, the AIS Summit - The Archipelagic and Island States - will take place in Nusa Dua, Bali. The abundance of military, police, and other services in the region this week is directly related to this event.

AIS is a platform for government collaboration aimed at addressing global issues in four main areas: mitigating the impacts of climate change and adapting to them, blue economy (utilizing ocean resources for economic growth, improving living conditions, and creating jobs while preserving the health of the ocean ecosystem), addressing plastic waste problems in the ocean, and managing marine spaces. The summit will be opened by the President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo.
Senior officials from 51 countries (Fiji, Tonga, Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, East Timor, Niue, and so on) and representatives from four international organizations will gather to address common issues. These include maritime safety, marine environment protection, regulation of maritime transport, port management, combating piracy, fishing, and other issues related to maritime resources and activities.
"When it comes to maritime issues, island nations typically face the same challenges. One example is climate change, leading to rising sea levels. The first to confront this issue will undoubtedly be island nations. The AIS Forum will help pool collective efforts to address this problem," said Rini Soemarno, the head of the AIS Forum secretariat.
Some of the guests have already arrived in Bali, including the Minister of Fisheries of Seychelles and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade of the Solomon Islands. Participants continue to converge on the island, leading to traffic jams and congestion on roads south of the airport.
Naturally, due to recent global events, there is a high level of security at the summit. The head of the National Police Security Agency, Commissioner General of Police Mohammad Fadil, explained that the final readiness check is underway for the Indonesian National Armed Forces and National Police, including personnel and facilities. Special equipment has been prepared.
Police General Varis Agono explained that the operational group has been tasked with anticipating, responding, and taking decisive action in the event of unforeseen circumstances during the AIS summit. "We are prepared for social tensions, terrorism, or crimes involving firearms, explosives, bombs, and drones," he said. Security forces even built a floor model of Bali and conducted a discussion on countering potential attacks on the forum in a gaming style, using toy special vehicles and figurines representing police units.

A total of over 15,000 people are involved in securing the event. The National Police have allocated 4,286 personnel, including 1,995 from the national police headquarters and 2,291 from the Bali regional police. The army has contributed an additional 11,000 soldiers.

Even in East Java, in the city of Situbondo, police squads are mobilized to patrol the power station, which is crucial in providing electricity to Bali from Java. In general, there's no need to worry about the numerous soldiers and police; on the contrary, the residents of Nusa Dua and all of Bali are effectively protected by a kind of small army.
Among the special equipment, there will be anti-drone guns and large signal jammers on wheels, so flying in this area during this period is definitely not advisable. By the way, tourist places visited by delegation members and the routes to them will also be guarded, so it might be a good idea to leave drones at home during these days to avoid any issues.
Organizers and the police promise not to disrupt the normal tourist life on the island, but they acknowledge that the forum might cause traffic jams in some areas of Bali.
Sourses: liputan6.com/global/read/5417827/keren-430-kendaraan-listrik-yang-disiapkan-untuk-ktt-ais-forum-di-bali?page=2antaranews.com/berita/3762117/tni-polri-kerahkan-15581-personel-amankan-ktt-ais-forumantaranews.com/berita/3763347/polres-situbondo-patroli-pengamanan-gardu-induk-listrik-dukung-ktt-ais
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