In Bali, there are pharmacies where you can order medicines online. Sometimes it's convenient because you can see on the pharmacy's website which medications they have, avoiding the need to visit multiple pharmacies and inquire about the availability of the medicine you need.

I can recommend k24klik. It has a good information base on its website. When ordering some medications for which prescriptions are required in other pharmacies, they may not ask for it here. This website has its offline pharmacies across the island, operating 24/7, including locations in Bukit, Sesetan and Teuku Umar streets in Denpasar, and Dalung (north of Canggu). Other locations can be found on Google Maps with the search term "apotek k-24."
There are also online pharmacies like,, and I haven't personally used them.
Sometimes people also order certain tablets from the online marketplace Tokopedia. However, it's better not to use this method unless absolutely necessary, as there is a risk of counterfeit medicines.
If you have been living in a specific area for an extended period and regularly purchase items from a particular pharmacy, inquire with their staff about whether they offer online medicine delivery and the contact number for such services. This practice is sometimes available.
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