Monkey Madness in Bali: The Tale of an Australian Explorer Confronted with an Astonishing $6000 Bill

Australian tourist Jamie Grose stated that she had to pay $6,000 for treatment after being bitten by three monkeys at the Monkey Forest in Bali.
According to her, this included the cost of eight rabies vaccines she received following the incident.
Jamie reported, 'Three monkeys climbed onto my legs and started biting me. I had to stand still because I was afraid they would all chase me.'"
According to Jamie's Instagram post, she paid $3,700 during her first visit to a hospital in Bali. However, she did not provide supporting information such as the name of the hospital or a copy of the astronomical hospital bill.
Currently, the original text from the girl's Instagram post has been deleted, leaving only a photo and comments underneath. Numerous requests in the comments to show receipts or name the hospital where she was treated were left unanswered. Social media users speculated that the reported $6,000 likely included other expenses, such as Jamie's accommodation in Bali and flights to and from the island. Instagram users suggested that the exaggerated amount may have been stated for clickbait purposes.
The administration of the Monkey Forest commented that they are aware of the incident, but the tourist herself did not contact them. Surveillance cameras show that a monkey bit her twice, on the thigh and calf. Afterward, she continued to walk around the park and then left.
"Usually, if tourists are bitten by monkeys, we first direct them to a clinic for examination and then to a hospital for a rabies vaccine or serum," Monkey Forest employee Nancy Sabtu told Nusa Bali in an interview. "From our experience, the cost of treatment is much cheaper — even in the most expensive clinic, the bill is unlikely to exceed $200."
A representative of the Monkey Forest administration also noted that they monitor the health of the park's inhabitants and closely observe the animals' behavior. Aggressive monkeys are captured and taken to a veterinary clinic for evaluation. Since the park opened to tourists in 1960, not a single case of rabies has been detected among the monkeys.
Regardless of the validity of Jamie's claim about the cost of her treatment, this incident is yet another reminder that all tourists visiting Bali should definitely get insurance and exercise caution when encountering wild animals, including monkeys.
Sources: NusaBaliCanggu Info
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