One of Bali’s most stunning locations, the canyon at Pandawa Beach, known as Tanah Barak, collapsed today. The scenic road between the cliffs, a favorite spot for tourists seeking breathtaking photos, is now temporarily closed.
Details remain unclear, but the collapse was likely caused by erosion and heavy rains. Authorities are currently addressing the issue, and access to the canyon has been restricted until further notice.
In recent months, infrastructure improvements have been underway to enhance accessibility. The beach has been divided into designated zones, and private vehicle access has been restricted to prevent traffic congestion and ensure pedestrian safety.

The recent extreme weather has already caused numerous problems across the island, from roads being blocked by landslides and floods to mudflows and fallen trees. Rescue teams have been busy evacuating stranded tourists in rubber boats, pumping water from low-lying areas, and reinforcing damaged beaches.

Also known as Batu Barak, Tanah Barak is a newly opened beach in the eastern part of Pandawa, launched in 2023. It quickly gained popularity thanks to viral social media photos showcasing the stunning road carved between two towering cliffs.
Sources: denpasarviral
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