In the village of Pejeng, Tampaksiring district, Gianyar, a major road has collapsed. The collapse spans a depth of 25 meters and a width of 15 meters, effectively blocking a key tourist route.
After assessing the condition of the road, it became evident that the situation is worsening due to ongoing soil erosion. Authorities have completely closed the road, as it is now impassable for both cars and motorcycles. In some areas, only 50 centimeters of the road remain intact.
To prevent vehicles, particularly tourist motorcycles, from attempting to pass, the road has been blocked with a bamboo barrier and warning signs have been installed.
The Public Works Department is expected to begin restoring the collapsed road soon. The road is vital for both local residents and tourists. Its closure has forced travelers to take a significant detour, while farmers who relied on the route to transport their crops are also facing difficulties.
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