Elephants are amazing animals that are capable of experiencing various feelings and emotions similar to human ones. Both adults and children are always genuinely delighted by them! You will be able to get to know them better and become their friend at the Mason Elephant Park & Lodge.
You will have the opportunity to feed them delicious fruits, hug them, show care, bathe, and swim with the elephants.

Currently, there are about 30 rescued Sumatran elephants living in the park. The elephants in Bali were brought in the 80s when their natural habitat in Sumatra was actively destroyed - forests were being mass deforested. Now these intelligent animals live in safety and in the comfortable conditions of the cool and humid climate near the village of Taro.

In the park, you will also find a museum, gallery, souvenir shop with handmade products, restaurants, bars, ponds, exotic trees, and plants.
You will undoubtedly give yourself and your children a joyful day! This day will be filled with delightful emotions!

Be sure to visit the elephant park in Bali.
⚡ You can book a tour on our website MyBaliTrips
⚡Our managers will answer all your questions of interest👇🏼
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