30-Room Construction Workers’ Barracks Go Up in Flames in Bukit!

A video of a building engulfed in flames with dozens of people running away from it quickly spread across Bali’s news outlets.
Photo: kutaselatan.news
It was revealed that a construction workers’ barracks had caught fire in Bukit. The temporary 30-room accommodation was located near Villa Amalfi in Bingin, where the residents of the burned rooms were working.
Fortunately, the incident occurred when the rooms were empty, as the workers were away at their jobs. The building housed about 100 workers, mostly from Java, Sumatra, and Sumbawa. The project owners estimated the damage at 500 million Indonesian rupiah.
Photo: kompas.id
Denpasar Police Public Relations Chief, I Ketut Sukadi, confirmed that the burned building was temporary and used as housing for the workers: “The barracks were made of plywood and wood, so a small fire, combined with strong winds, quickly spread through the entire building.”
He added that South Kuta Police had instructed those responsible for the project to submit a report on the fire. An investigation will follow, though the cause of the fire is currently unknown.
The fire was first noticed by a worker named Yadi. He explained that he was working at Villa Amalfi during the day when he saw smoke rising from the barracks. He ran to check on his sleeping quarters and, along with his colleagues, tried to extinguish the fire and save their belongings. However, within minutes, the flames rapidly spread from one room to the next.
Photo: BaliTribune
Another witness, Villa Amalfi project manager Made Satria, said he heard the workers shouting after discovering the smoke in the barracks and immediately called the fire department.
Upon receiving the report, three fire crews from Badung Regency arrived at the scene. The fire was fully extinguished after two hours.
Fortunately, there were no casualties or injuries.
Recently, fires have become more common in Bali. Moana restaurant, the underground parking at the new Ubud market, and the Manggo Taru café in Sanur have all experienced fires. Faulty electrical wiring is often cited as the cause of these blazes.
Sources: BaliTribunentvnews.id
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