
Ashtanga Yoga: The 8 Limbs

Feb 17, from 11:00 to 13:00
Jl. Mawun Prabu, Kuta, Kec. Pujut, Kuta Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Bar. 83355, Indonesia
4.3 / 632
Ashtanga Yoga: The 8 Limbs and Asana Clinic Workshop
This immersive workshop dives into the heart of Ashtanga Yoga, offering a balanced blend of theory and practice. We'll explore the 8 Limbs of Yoga as outlined by Patanjali, guiding you through their significance in cultivating a holistic yoga practice.
What You'll Learn:
1. Yamas and Niyamas – Ethical principles and personal disciplines to foster balance on and off the mat.
2. Asana – Deepen your understanding of physical postures, their alignment, and purpose in the practice.
3. Pranayama – Breathing techniques to enhance focus, energy flow, and inner peace.
4. Pratyahara – Techniques for withdrawing the senses to quiet the mind. 
5. Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi – Exploring concentration, meditation, and the blissful state of union.
Asana Clinic:
A focused breakdown of key Ashtanga postures.
Addressing common challenges and refining techniques for a safe, effective practice.
This workshop is ideal for yoga enthusiasts, practitioners, and teachers who wish to deepen their understanding of Ashtanga Yoga and refine their asana practice with clarity and precision.
Perfect for those seeking a deeper connection between the physical and spiritual aspects of yoga.

See also

Batu BolongThe Practice
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