If you intend to live in Bali for an extended period, you might need to exit the country and come back on a new visa. In this article, we provide some useful tips about the visa run destinations.
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A visa run is an excellent opportunity to change your surroundings and visit a new country.
Some travelers, however, attempt to complete their visa run by simply flying to a nearby country and immediately taking a return flight to Bali without leaving the airport terminal. Such trips may rai…
Bangkok — the capital and the most modern city of Thailand.
If you're deciding where to go for a visa run from Bali, I would recommend considering Bangkok! Initially, like many, we bought tickets to Malaysia, but when we needed to stay a little longer, we flew…
Vietnam is a popular destination for visa runs.
The flight to Ho Chi Minh City takes about 4 hours, with one-way tickets starting at $120 per person.
Foreigners can stay on the mainland without a visa for up to 45 days. All tourists arriving in Vietnam are advised to have insurance coverage worth $10,000 or more that includes COVID-19.
We offer you a selection of guesthouses in Kuala Lumpur during the visa run period. Here are the room options:
- Up to 330,000 rupees per night
- With a private bathroom
For help with acquiring and renewing Indonesian visas, we suggest Legal Indonesia agency. They provide top-notch visa services, balancing affordability and efficiency.
📩 Reach out to Legal Indonesia via Telegram or WhatsApp.
If you're planning to visit Ho Chi Minh City to get a visa and you want to stay near the Indonesian Consulate, you'll probably want to stay in the city center. Of course, Grab taxi works great in the…
Vietnam is one of the most popular travel destinations for tourists. The easiest way to get there is by flying into one of the country's two main airports: Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City. Hanoi, located in…