One-Day Visa Run: Is It Worth the Risk?

A visa run is an excellent opportunity to change your surroundings and visit a new country.
Some travelers, however, attempt to complete their visa run by simply flying to a nearby country and immediately taking a return flight to Bali without leaving the airport terminal. Such trips may raise suspicion and lead to additional questions at the border.
Here are some recommendations to help you return to Indonesia smoothly after a visa run:
📌 Spend at least a couple of days in another country. This can help avoid any issues with immigration officers in Bali.
📌 If you plan to spend your visa run at an airport in another country, you should still go through border control because you need to have exit and entry stamps from that country in your passport to prove you left Bali. Failure to do so could result in a fine for violating immigration laws.
📌 Upon re-entering Indonesia, be prepared to answer questions about the purpose of your trip, show a return ticket, and provide proof of sufficient funds to support your stay.
📌 Stay calm and composed if questioned by officers. Respond clearly and concisely, avoiding unnecessary details.
If you plan to stay in Bali for more than two months, it's better to get a B211 tourist visa. This visa can be extended without leaving the country, allowing you to stay on the island for up to six months.
For a free, no-obligation consultation, feel free to contact Legal Indonesia.@legalindonesia / @LegalIndonesiaBot / Whats App
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