Search results for the query: dental implants

Health, medicine
Upd. 12/11/24
Dentistry in Bali. Where to treat teeth in Bali?

Very often, people are afraid to go to the dentist. Interestingly, this fear is more commonly experienced by adults than young children!

Whether you like it or not, finding a good dentist is crucial. We have researched the most popular dental clinics in Bali. You can find all the information in this article.

Dentistry in Bali. Where to treat teeth in Bali?
Upd. 18/07/24
Balinese Voice Concerns Over Foreigners Renting Out Villas

The Bali Villa Rental Management Association (BVRM) has expressed dissatisfaction with the increasing number of foreigners conducting villa rental businesses in Bali.

The organization’s founder, Kadek Adnyana, condemns this trend. In his view, many businesses that should belong to local residents are actually managed by foreigners who use residency permits to condu…

Balinese Voice Concerns Over Foreigners Renting Out Villas
5 Reasons Why Going to the Gym is Essential

At The Wrong Gym in Bali, we understand the transformative power of regular workouts and why going to the gym is crucial for your overall well-being and fitness journey. Here's an insightful breakdown…

CemagiAlma Holistic Women Wellness Center
Nov 22, from 14:30 to 17:00