Unknown Hackers Alter Indonesian Immigration Service Contacts on Google Maps

Google has admitted to investigating a mysterious crime in Indonesia involving the hacking of business accounts of several Indonesian hotels and the immigration service.
“We confirm that some business profiles have undergone unexpected changes,” said a Google representative.
“We apologize for the inconvenience and are thoroughly investigating this matter. We will provide updated information as soon as possible.” Earlier, the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) suspected that the Google Business accounts of several hotels had been hacked.
“This hacking occurred not only in Surabaya; several major cities in Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Semarang, Denpasar, and Makassar, also suffered from hacker attacks,” said PHRI Surabaya (Korwil) representative, Pugu Sugeng Sutrisno.
He and his colleagues reported this to the National Police.
One theory suggests that the hacking was done by someone within the country. This is indirectly evidenced by the fact that the WhatsApp numbers of several hotels listed in the Google business account were also replaced by the phone numbers of a local operator.
In addition to the hotel business, similar incidents occurred in a number of immigration offices. The Directorate General of Immigration of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights urges the public to be cautious of fraud involving Google Maps.
The reason is that fake WhatsApp contact numbers were found in the address information of several immigration offices on Google Maps. The number 081230030440 was found in several immigration offices. Checking the contact via the GetContact app did not provide clarity.
“This is already alarming; we will write to Google to have the number removed and also ask mobile operators to block the number,” explained the Secretary of the Directorate General of Immigration, Sandi Andaryadi, in his statement.
Earlier, it was reported that hackers hacked an Indonesian government server and demanded 8 million dollars.
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