In one of our previous articles, we already discussed the Kajeng Kliwon celebration with you, which occurs every 15 days, coinciding with the day when the 3-day Kajeng week and the 5-day Kliwon week intersect.
And such a love for celebrations set on coinciding magical days did not end with Kajeng Kliwon. Another special day that occurs at the intersection of specific dates is Tumpek.
It is observed six times a year in the Pawukon calendar and falls every 35 days. But unlike Kajeng Kliwon, each Tumpek is unique and dedicated to a special occasion. All Tumpek days fall on our Saturday because this celebration occurs at the intersection of the specific day of the 5-day Kliwon week and the special day of the 7-day Saniscara week.
1.Tumpek Landep

This is a day of offerings to iron and weapons. Ceremonial daggers called "kris" are particularly venerated on this day. If there is a kris in the family, it is cleansed and sprinkled with holy water. Offerings are made to it in the form of flowers, fruits, and incense. Often, a priest is invited to recite prayers.

Although originally dedicated to iron weapons, over time the Balinese started offering to motorcycles, trucks, and cars on Tumpek. On this day, vehicles also receive their offerings and intricately woven decorations made from dried coconut leaves.
2.Tumpek Uduh

On this day, Balinese people pay their respects to trees, especially the coconut palm, which plays a significant role in the lives of the Balinese. In some areas of Bali, sacred trees are wrapped with cloth similar to the ones worn by the Balinese themselves.

The tree is struck with a special mallet to notify it that the offerings have arrived. The tree is also asked to bring forth a bountiful harvest.

The offerings are made in the form of cooked rice, which is known to be the staple and foundation of food on Bali.
3.Tumpek Kuningan

This is one of the most significant holidays in the Balinese calendar. It marks the completion of the Galungan festival cycle, when, according to Balinese beliefs, the spirits of ancestors come to claim the land. Sometimes Tumpek Kuningan is simply referred to as Kuningan.

It derives its name, Kuningan, from the word "kuning," which means "yellow" in Indonesian. This refers to the color of turmeric, added to the festive rice, giving it a distinct hue.
4.Tumpek Krulut

On this day, offerings are made to musical instruments, masks, and dance costumes used for ritual performances. The instruments are adorned with decorations made from coconut leaves, sprinkled with holy water, and receive offerings of fruits and flowers. Often, the group of musicians or dancers who use these instruments also receives blessings.
5.Tumpek Kandang

The word "kandang" in Balinese means a pen or enclosure for domestic animals. On this day, Balinese people wash cows and pigs, and sometimes decorate them according to traditions. The animals are given special ceremonial food, prayers are recited over them, and they are blessed with water and rice. Even animals in zoos receive a special share of honors on this day!

6.Tumpek Ringgit/Tumpek Wayang

This day is particularly revered because it coincides with the magical day of Kajeng Kliwon, adding an even more special significance. Offerings are made to instruments on this day, just like in Tumpek Krulut. However, special attention is given to dolls and masks used in the traditional Javanese-Balinese Wayang theater.

On this day, puppeteers (dalang) take out their figures from the box and bless them.
It is believed that this day is unfavorable for giving birth, and if a child is born on Tumpek Wayang, a special consecration ceremony is conducted for them.
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