Suwat Waterfall in Bali

Suwat Waterfall in Bali
Фото: @wanderskyy
Suwat officially opened on October 22, 2019, and it's immediately noticeable that the residents of the local village put a lot of effort into making it popular. Many places along the canyon walls, where the river flows, are adorned with carvings depicting mythical creatures. In some areas, the path leading down from the parking lot to the waterfall is framed by an authentic bamboo fence.  
Фото: @wanderskyy
At the waterfall itself, a bamboo raft has been set up so that those who wish to take photos can use this decoration to portray themselves as intrepid jungle conquerors.
In terms of ambiance, Suwat is somewhat reminiscent of Tibumana. It also cascades into a lagoon with a cave behind it. Suwat is much lower than Tibumana, with a height of about 15 meters.
Additionally, direct sunlight hardly penetrates Suwat. Almost all the space above the lagoon is shaded by bamboo growing around it. However, for some photographers, the soft diffused light may be even more interesting for portrait photos.
Фото: @elenka_bobkova
  Инфраструктура у водопада не слишком сильно развитая, но все необходимое есть. Не доходя до него около 1-2 минут есть небольшой приятный варунг, здание с простенькими туалетами, раздевалками и душевыми.
Дорога от парковки до водопада займет не более 5 минут и она не будет утомительной для маленьких детей или пожилых путешественников.
Работники территории предупреждают туристов не купаться под потоком водопада, поскольку там очень большая глубина и купающегося может прибить водой ко дну, откуда будет очень затруднительно выбраться. Но несмотря на эти предупреждения любители экстрима не только делают это, но и прыгают с края обрыва в лагуну водопада.  
Фото: @wanderskyy
Фото: @wanderskyy
Фото: @wanderskyy
The water clarity in the lagoon depends on the season. During the rainy season, it mixes with the clay in the river, so it can be muddy. In the dry season, it is quite transparent.
Before the pandemic, the entrance fee to the waterfall was 15,000 Indonesian Rupiah per person.
The local village is known in the area for hosting the "Siat Yeh" water battle as the new year approaches (according to the European calendar). This event attracts tourists who are also invited to participate in the battle.
Suwat Waterfall is located in the village of Suwat. It is situated north of the more popular Tibumana and Goa Rang Reng waterfalls. While the distance on the map between Suwat and Tibumana or Goa Rang Reng may seem short, in reality, it takes about 20 minutes to travel because they are located on neighboring rivers, and there are not many bridges between them, so alternative routes must be taken.
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