Residents of Keramas Village and surfers from around the world are calling on developers to abandon plans for a floating restaurant and pier at the popular surf beach Keramas Beach.
Concerned about preserving the natural waves and surf conditions, local villagers have even staged a protest outside the village administration office. Their goal is to halt the project before it even begins. Currently, the plans are still in the discussion and approval phase, with investors trying to persuade locals to support their vision—an effort that, so far, does not seem to be succeeding.
At this stage, few details are known about the floating restaurant. Some sources speculate that it will serve traditional Balinese cuisine, but surfers and residents argue that any construction on the water in this area could disrupt the waves, which attract surfers from all over the world.
Keramas Beach is an internationally recognized surf destination. In May 2019, it hosted a World Surf League (WSL) event, and to this day, it remains a highly sought-after spot for professional and recreational surfers alike.
Interfering with the natural flow of the ocean could either diminish the waves entirely or significantly alter their shape and consistency. The head of Keramas Village, Gusti Putu Sarjana, confirmed that most locals oppose the construction of the floating restaurant and pier.
Even staff at Komune Resort, a well-known surf resort that attracts thousands of surfers and holidaymakers to Keramas every year, have taken a stand against the project.
“Keramas is known as one of the best surf spots in the world and has hosted three World Surf League events. This yacht pier would permanently destroy the surf, resulting in the annual loss of thousands of tourists and causing a devastating impact on Bali’s surf industry,” they stated.
It remains unclear whether developers and investors will listen to local protests or continue to insist that the construction will be safe for the waves. However, finding strong arguments to justify the project may prove challenging, given the opposition from both the surfing community and local residents.
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