Rope Park in Bali. De Brokong Bali Adventure

 Photo: De Brokong Bali Adventure
An hour's drive from Ubud towards Mount Agung, you'll find the De Brokong Bali Adventure rope park. The place is perfect for adventure enthusiasts and families looking for diverse activities with children.
The rope park is run by a friendly Balinese family. The owner, Gede, is very welcoming and responsive, ensuring safety protocols for each customer. The place is not overly touristy, so you won't encounter long queues.
The cost for a child's ticket is 150,000 IDR, and for adults, it's 250,000 IDR, with a two-hour duration. The entrance fee includes free coffee, tea, water, and delicious traditional Balinese coconut-filled pancakes. There's also a shop where you can buy civet coffee and taste it.
The rope park is enjoyable for children aged 5-6 and older (adults will also be satisfied). The main requirement is that the child should be at least 100 cm tall. The park offers paths of varying difficulty levels:
- Treetop tree routes
- Short ziplines suitable for children from 5 years old
- Rope trekking for children from 5-6 years old
- Spider Web Treetop
- Flying swing
- Elephant step ladder
- Fishing Net path
- Long ziplines for ages 6-7 and above, offering thrilling experiences
You can visit directly without a reservation, but it's better to contact the owner in advance for a more organized experience. The location is also ideal for celebrating a child's birthday, and with prior arrangements, the owners can arrange a barbecue, prepare the space for the celebration, and answer any questions.
For adults, the owners offer equally interesting activities, including teaching Balinese cuisine, playing traditional instruments like the gamelan, and demonstrating proper offerings.
Reservation phone: +62 8113800757
Opening hours: 09:00 - 22:00
Parking is under the Banyan tree to the left of the corner leading to Jl. Raya Besakih street.
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