Nusa Penida's Tourist Tax Gets a Hike and Goes Digital!

The authorities of Nusa Penida want to introduce a new tax collection system. The tourist entry fee of 25,000 rupiah, which has been mandatory since 2019, is collected at the port upon arrival. The new e-ticket system aims to simplify the payment process for tourists.
The head of Klungkung district, Nengah Ari Pradnya, stated that he and his colleagues unanimously support the introduction of electronic fees on Nusa Penida. This will allow for better control of financial receipts into the local budget and eliminate any concerns about their misuse.
"The goal of introducing electronic fees is to prevent any leakage of funds. We are confident that this will help better fill the regional treasury, and visitors will have no doubts that their payments are going to the island's budget," Pradnya said.
However, another innovation is unlikely to please Penida's visitors. Along with the implementation of the electronic tax system, the fee itself will be increased. The tourism authority plans to review the tax amount soon. Authorities explain this step by the necessity to develop the island, making it more convenient for both locals and visitors.
The popularity of Nusa Penida, Lembongan, and Ceningan is rapidly growing among tourists arriving in Bali. Officials decided that this is a good opportunity to support the small remote islands that need infrastructure to motivate the local population and create conditions for the growing tourist flow.
The primary focus is on modern electricity supply, mobile signal coverage, broadband connectivity, and road infrastructure—all of which require further investment from the governments of the small islands. The tourism tax on Penida could play a crucial role in funding these projects if used properly, local officials believe.
The seriousness of the intentions of the Klungkung district leaders is evidenced by the signing of an agreement with a digital services provider to implement an e-ticket and e-payment system, which is expected to be operational soon.
The target for the tourism tax collection on Nusa Penida is 24.8 billion Indonesian rupiah in 2024, up from 17.7 billion Indonesian rupiah in 2023.
The most intriguing question is what the new tax amount might be. After the introduction of the tourist tax in Bali, many considered the 150,000 rupiah fee quite significant, yet even this amount is being considered for an increase.
Incidentally, since July 1, 2023, tourists wishing to snorkel or dive in the Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area are required to purchase an e-ticket to confirm payment of the environmental damage compensation tax. This fee is still in effect, but most tour operators include it in the package price, and almost no one pays it separately.
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