On May 20, a Ukrainian citizen and her daughter were deported from Bali. They were sent to the United Kingdom. The story of their deportation is quite interesting.

According to Gede Dudi Duvita, the head of the Denpasar immigration service, a 35-year-old woman with the initials I. G. arrived in Bali with her nine-year-old daughter V. K., a British national, for a vacation. The foreigner entered Indonesia on July 21, 2023, with a visa on arrival (VoA). A few months later, on October 30, 2023, allegedly due to depression caused by a visa agency deceiving her with the British visa, I. G. committed a crime. She decided to steal several pieces of jewelry from a shop in the Canggu area. The stolen items included silver necklaces and pendants, rings, glasses, and incense. The shop owners estimated the loss at 12 million rupiahs. The woman contacted the shop owner the next day and confessed to the theft.
The Ukrainian woman's plan was simple—she wanted to be immediately deported to England. However, things did not go as planned. She was detained, and the court sentenced her to four months in the women’s section of Kerobokan prison. The child, of course, was not subject to imprisonment and waited for her mother outside the prison with an Indonesian friend of I. G.
After serving her sentence, the woman and her daughter were transferred to the Denpasar immigration detention center for further deportation. They had to spend another 74 days in the center. This time was needed to arrange the British visa and handle the paperwork. Naturally, I. G. had to cover all the deportation expenses herself. In addition to being deported, I. G. was blacklisted from Indonesia.

Another deportation, though more mundane, occurred on May 19. A 36-year-old Russian citizen with the initials D. L. was expelled from the country for overstaying his visa. The head of the Singaraja immigration office, Hendra Setiawan, reported that the offender was caught when he applied for a visa extension at the Singaraja immigration office in northern Bali.
"This person came to the immigration office to extend his residence permit. But when the documents were checked, the officer discovered that the foreigner had stayed in Indonesia beyond the validity of his visa," said Hendra Setiawan. The interrogation revealed that the overstay was 28 days. The Russian citizen was also unable to pay the fine for the overstay.
Immigration measures were taken against the violator in the form of deportation and blacklisting. The Russian was sent home via the route Denpasar - Kuala Lumpur, with the final destination being Sheremetyevo.
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