Missing! Foreign Teenager Disappears on Mount Batukaru

There has been an increase in incidents involving both foreign and local tourists during hiking trips in Bali. Recently, we reported a case where a guide and a tourist from Jakarta got lost on Mount Batukaru. And just as the discussions about the Russian fitness trainer who fell into a ravine on Mount Trunyan were dying down, an Indonesian student went missing during an ascent of Mount Agung a few days ago. All of these hikers were without a local guide, which is not only dangerous but also violates local regulations.
Photo: detik
The latest tragic incident occurred during a hike on Mount Batukaru. A French family of four—a woman and her three sons—set off from the Malen Temple in Pujungan, Buleleng, on Sunday morning around 10:00 AM. In the evening, two members of the group slipped and fell down a ravine. One of them, 17-year-old Lucas, managed to climb out. After following the river along the ravine, he reached the village of Belimbing in Tabanan. The fate of the second victim, who is also a minor, remains unknown. His name is Stijn, he is 15 years old and French. Search efforts are ongoing.
The incident occurred at an altitude of 1,600 meters above sea level. According to the surviving witness, he could communicate with his brother for a while, but after some time, the voice could no longer be heard.
The family was driven to the trekking location by a local driver who waited for them at the base. They did not have a guide for the mountain.
The search operation was suspended the previous evening due to unfavorable weather conditions. At present, the whereabouts and condition of the missing teenager are still unknown. He is considered missing.
Sources: lenteraisaibalinews
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