Unlicensed Guide and Client Lost in the Wild on Mount Batukaru!

A search and rescue team from Tabanan was called to Bali's second-highest peak, Mount Batukaru, to rescue a tourist and her guide. The travelers had significantly deviated from their route.
Photo: metrotvnews.com
Rizki Meiramdhan, a guide from Jakarta, was leading a hiking tour on Mount Batukaru for his client from Turkey, Özlem Ergen, but something went wrong, and they got lost. Unlike the Batur and Agung volcanoes, the trails on this mountain are often unclear, as Mount Batukaru is climbed much less frequently than Bali's two most iconic peaks. The paths become overgrown with grass, and only someone who has been on the route many times can identify the main trail.
The search and rescue group, accompanied by licensed guides, managed to find the lost duo after dark. The head of the SAR office in Denpasar, Nyoman Sidakarya, said, "Our team, assisted by two local guides, began the search around 10:40 PM, and they had to cover an area at an altitude of about 1,500 meters above sea level." He noted that the team had to navigate through densely forested mountain slopes and climb slightly higher than the planned altitude.
They found the tourist and her guide at an altitude of 1,800 meters above sea level. It took another hour to descend with them to the trailhead. Sidakarya added, "The rescued individuals are in good condition, they did not sustain any injuries and were able to return home immediately on their own."
The guide admitted that he felt confident on the route, which is why he did not use a local guide. They also did not pay for the entrance permit to the area. There is a misconception that Bali's mountains and volcanoes are easy to conquer due to their relatively low height. However, the routes often have technical sections that are poorly marked.
Since many tourists start their hike under the cover of darkness to reach the summit by sunrise, such hikes can disorient even the most experienced hikers.
Regular guides in Bali do not have sufficient qualifications and experience to lead such mountain hikes. It is a good idea to use the services of a specialized guide who will accompany you on the hike. This way, you will surely reach your destination. And in case of any unforeseen situations, the guide will have a solution. Attempting to climb Bali's mountains alone can be simply dangerous. As you ascend to higher altitudes, oxygen deprivation increases, which can impair your brain function. Moreover, the temperature at the top, especially at night, and the weather, as well as the amount of necessary supplies and water, are often underestimated. Indeed, the mountains are not the highest, but believe me, they can still present you with many unpleasant surprises. There have even been fatal cases.
In March 2024, a 60-year-old Indonesian tourist died after setting out on a solo hike on Mount Agung. He was found by fellow hikers and passed away near the summit of the mountain at an altitude of 2,822 meters.
In May 2024, a 29-year-old tourist from the Netherlands also died after falling into a ravine on Agung. The woman went on a hike with her partner, and the couple decided to climb without the services of a local guide.
So, if you want to enjoy the climb and appreciate the beauty these mountains offer, it's better to use the services of local licensed guides, so instead of wandering lost in the foothills looking for the right trail, you can experience the magnificent views at sunrise.
Sources: metrotvnewsantara
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