Lake Bratan (Danau Beratan) in Tabanan

Amazing landscapes unfold for everyone who comes to this lake. Lake Bratan is located at the foot of Mount Tapak at an elevation of 1200 meters above sea level. The once-active Batur volcano has altered the nearby areas, resulting in the formation of several lakes - Bratan, Buyan, and Tamblingan. The most popular among them is Lake Bratan.
The second name of the lake can be translated from Balinese as the Lake of the Holy Mountain. Local residents believe that those who bathe in the waters of Lake Bratan will forever gain youth and longevity. The lake is quite large but not very deep, with a maximum depth of 35 meters.
Ulun Danu Beratan Temple
On the shore, another landmark is situated - the Ulun Danu Temple. Built by local residents in 1663, it is dedicated to the goddess of the lake, Dewi Danu. The temple is very popular not only among tourists but also among local residents. They bring gifts and offerings to the spirits in the temple almost daily. Entrance to the temple is subject to a fee.
The multi-tiered pagodas of the temple against the backdrop of the surrounding mountains look impressive and authentically unique. You won't find something like this in the tourist areas in the south of the island. The number of tiers, whether 3, 5, 7, 9, or 11, corresponds to the status of each specific deity. Local residents come here to pray for the fertility of their lands and protection from earthly forces. The lake provides fresh water to almost the entire island, so it is carefully tended to.
The temple is located at an altitude of approximately 1200 meters above sea level. Its location has played a significant role in the lives of the Balinese. This temple is a "kahyangan jagad," according to its guardian Jero Mangku Gede. This means that the temple is one of the main spiritual centers of the island but is not associated with a specific clan and serves as a spiritual center for the entire island. There are several such centers throughout the island.
The temple consists of several parts: visitors can freely roam the nista mandala - the outer courtyard of the temple, but access is usually restricted to the madya mandala (middle part) and especially the utama mandala (the holiest place of the temple).
During purnama (full moon), tilem (new moon), the Galungan festival, and other holy days for Hindus, the temple is filled with people who come to pray.
Not far from the temple, there is the Taman Rekreasi Bedugul amusement park, where tourists can get closer to the water, swim, take a boat ride on swan-shaped boats, feed fish, go fishing, and simply enjoy the breathtaking landscapes. Don't forget to bring your camera - besides beautiful landscapes, several photo zones are set up here.
There are plenty of entertainment options for children at the lake - they can feed rabbits in the mini-zoo or play on the playground.
You can reach the lake by taxi or tourist bus as part of an excursion group. In the vicinity of the lake, there are many market stalls selling fresh strawberries grown in the local area. Feel free to bargain when making a purchase!
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