Balinese authorities have announced the release of informational pamphlets. These will outline what foreigners should avoid doing to prevent being deported from the paradise island.

The head of the regional department of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in Bali, Angiat Napitupulu, informed journalists that informational pamphlets would be prepared, printed, and handed over to the immigration service soon. Officers at passport control will be tasked with distributing them among arriving guests. "Immigration officers will simply insert them into the guests' passports. No verbal contact, no need to spend time on conversations," said the official.
However, the final content of the pamphlet is not yet available. Prohibitions and warnings are still being coordinated at the departmental level. The head of the Bali Tourism Department, Tjok Bagus Pemayun (the department entrusted with creating a set of rules for the island's guests), mentioned plans to distribute it not only at airports.
"We will distribute pamphlets in places where foreigners gather, such as seaports, airports, and popular tourist attractions. The text in the brochure will be in two languages: Indonesian and English," he said. When asked about the possibility of adding other languages, Pemayun hesitated to answer.
Although apparently one of the most crucial issues for the effectiveness of the future pamphlet. As known, many categories of tourists are not proficient in the English language. For example, guests from Russia (who happen to lead in the number of deportations from the island recently) or China.
"If there are problems with other languages, we will seek help from those who can assist with translation. For now, we use only Indonesian and English languages," explained Pemayun. The presence of the Indonesian language is explained by the fact that a significant number of local tourists from other islands of the country are Muslims. And very often, just like foreigners, they find it challenging to anticipate what consequences an inconsiderate photograph against the backdrop of a tree or a volcano summit might have.
Recently, for example, a scandal erupted around a photo of an Indonesian woman from Java, Faras Saidi. The girl posted a photo with her middle finger raised near the Pura Ulundanu Batur temple. The insulting photo for Balinese Hindus was posted on Instagram by activist Niluh. After prolonged discussions, the girl was forgiven.

Obviously, it is necessary to explain to Indonesian visitors what is not allowed on the paradise island as well.
The head of the tourism department hopes that by next week, the first brochures will be handed to foreigners upon crossing the border at Ngurah Rai Airport. The police and other services will receive them a bit later.
Another measure by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, aimed at preventing incidents of inappropriate behavior by guests, will be the installation of billboards. Authorities plan to display information about violations of the rules of conduct and the number of deportations for such offenses on these billboards.

The banners are produced in three languages: English, Russian, and Hindi. Bali's Deputy Governor, Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati, demands that the immigration authorities of Bali disclose data and other information related to the deportation of foreign tourists from Bali.
"If possible and without violating human rights, we should post information in strategically important places about the number of foreign citizens deported for their violations." It is already known that data on the total number of deported foreigners will be published on Videotron billboards at major intersections on the island. Immigration officials are confident that the advertising campaign will not scare foreign guests but will remind them of the consequences of inappropriate behavior. Authorities have promised not to disclose names, nationalities, and personal information of deported tourists on billboards. The information will focus on the actual number of violators. Balinese officials believe that these measures should demonstrate to foreign tourists that deportation is a real consequence of improper behavior.

Earlier, the governor of the island, Wayan Koster, provided data from the beginning of this year until the end of March. According to the data, 101 foreign citizens from 31 countries were deported from the island in three months. The most numerous group is Russians - 27 people, followed by citizens of the United Kingdom - 8, Nigerians - 7, and Australians - 6.
The majority of those deported from Bali had expired visa terms or abused their visas by working illegally. There were also those who were deported for violating Balinese cultural norms.
"We will continue our policy. If you come to Bali, respect our laws. While here on a tourist visa, you cannot work. If you break the law, if you work or engage in commercial activities, you will be deported," said the head of the regional department of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of Bali, Angiat Napitupulu.
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