Immigration Service begins taking measures against fictitious investors

The Immigration Office of South Jakarta has succeeded in exposing immigration violations committed by six Nepalese citizens posing as foreign investors. They were arrested on suspicion of using fake documents to illegally obtain residence permits in Indonesia (KITAS) under the guise of fictitious investment business. During the investigation, immigration officers discovered that the guarantor companies to which they applied for residence permits, namely PT GI PVP and PT SGE, used non-existent addresses. Based on their suspicions, the six Nepalese citizens were asked to provide documents indicating their place of work and residence. Law enforcement officials also verified this information, but the office listed in the application was not found, nor were the addresses provided for their residence. After this, the violators were immediately detained.
Photo: Ainun Nabila

Indonesian Government's Investment Policy

Felicity Sengkey Ratna, head of the Immigration Office, said:"We strongly support Indonesia's investment policy, but the convenience provided by the government does not mean that it is lenient in monitoring the issuance of residence permits."
Foreigners were charged with immigration violations under section (a) of Article 123 of Law No. 6 of 2011 on Immigration. The sentence carries a maximum prison term of 5 years and a maximum fine of 500 million rupiah.
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