How to Obtain a Residence Permit (KITAS) in Indonesia

Wouldn't it be great to live in Bali without worrying about your visa expiring, handling extensions and visa runs, or explaining to customs why you frequently visit the island?
Instead, imagine having the same rights as the locals:
👉 Enter and exit Indonesia whenever you want;
👉 Open accounts in Indonesian banks;
👉 Buy motorbikes, cars, and real estate, and register them in your name;
👉 Bring your family to the island;
👉 Start your own business and earn income legally;
👉 Enjoy bonuses like free medical care and discounts on attractions and transportation.
All these benefits are available in Indonesia for foreigners with a residence permit.
Known as a KITAS, this long-term visa is issued for specific purposes. In some cases, KITAS holders can obtain a permanent residence permit after five years.
If you have questions about the application process or need a consultation, feel free to contact us:
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