How rain is summoned with blood in Bali

The Balinese have their own relationship with nature. If something is wrong with the weather, they can communicate with spirits and ask for their help. Even for the dry season, which has already exhausted farmers with the necessity of carrying water for irrigation in barrels, there is a ritual.
In Karangasem, in October - November, the tradition of Gebug Ende is conducted, during which local residents summon rain. The ceremony takes place in the village of Seraya.
During the dry season, the village residents engage in battles using rattan.
This tradition dates back to the time when the people of Seraya were recruited into the armies of the Karangasem Kingdom to attack the Selenparang Kingdom on Lombok. During those times, the people of Seraya were considered strong and sturdy, as well as possessing valuable knowledge. That's why they were at the forefront of the army.
But even after Karangasem achieved victory over Selenparang and established control over it, the fighting spirit of the people of Seraya could not be calmed. That's when the village residents started fighting each other using improvised weapons. Thus, the tradition of Gebug Ende was born.
The ritual itself begins with prayers and offerings. Battles follow, where villagers showcase their skills. Two men engage in combat armed with 1.5 to 2-meter-long poles, with which they can strike opponents while defending themselves with round rattan shields.
The word "gebug" means "to strike the enemy," and "ende" means "shield."
Participants of the competition wear traditional Balinese attire with a headpiece called "udeng" or a red ribbon, which symbolizes the human soul. During the duel, participants remove their shirts and put on gloves.
The battle is accompanied by the music of a traditional gamelan orchestra, further exhilarating the assembled crowd. The duel lasts for several minutes and is supervised by a special referee.
Balinese people believe it's better if someone gets injured and draws blood during the fight. In this case, it's believed that rain will come soon.
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