Hidden cameras in Bali beach clubs' restrooms: Photos and videos of thousands of men leaked online

Photo: depositphotos
A loud scandal has erupted around two very popular tourist spots in Bali. It turns out that an unknown person was secretly filming visitors in the restrooms of Finn's and Old Man's beach clubs, capturing them on hidden cameras when they used the men's toilets. Subsequently, the perpetrator distributed explicit images through closed Telegram groups. Hundreds, possibly thousands, of unwitting guests became victims of this deviant, unknowingly participating in questionable photoshoots.
Photo: https://www.news.com.au
Judging by the blurred images circulating on the internet, hidden cameras were positioned at waist level near public urinals and in toilet stalls. Identifying the locations where the photos were taken proved relatively easy – Finn's can be recognized by its characteristic color scheme and digital advertising screens above the urinals. The Old Man's restroom is also easily identifiable thanks to its decor of dark marble and a massive mirror in a red frame. Approximately every first tourist to Bali was likely in these bathrooms... Already searching for yourself?
 Photo: https://www.news.com.au
The information that sparked a strong reaction was disclosed by Australian journalists who conducted their own investigation. It was revealed that the photos were being disseminated through eleven separate Telegram chats. In total, over 8300 photos and videos of men urinating or defecating are now publicly accessible.
Photo: https://www.news.com.au
The investigative team found that two professional Australian football players also ended up in the catalog of voyeuristic images. Apparently, they were captured during a recent vacation after the end of the season. The athletes' names have not been disclosed yet, although journalists have already reached out to the clubs they play for seeking comments.
An open Telegram channel was created on October 6 after the previous profile, used by the owner to share similar photos, was deleted for posting pornographic content. In two and a half months, the new account has shared at least several hundred images. Nearly 9000 people are currently subscribed to the public channel. There are probably even more questions for these subscribers than for the author of the explicit content.
Moreover, for $275, one can obtain the so-called "VIP access." The paying individual can view longer videos and unblurred photos. Private channels are categorized into "beach club visitors," "nightclub visitors," "men defecating," and "natural victims" – involuntary social media users who were deceived into sending nude photos and videos.
Photo: news.com.au
Apparently, the images are in high demand. The channel author uses comments on the content as advertising to attract more subscribers. "This guy was so drunk he could barely stand!" writes one user. Another remarks, "It will take an eternity to view this wonderful material." "Wow, amazing content from the beach club! So many hot guys, and one guy with a huge [heart-eyed emojis]," adds another comment. "Keep it up," urges one of the subscribers. It's frightening to even imagine that someone from these guys could be next to you in a public restroom at the adjacent urinal.
Responses from the author of the Telegram channel to subscribers indicate that English is not their native language. Perhaps this will be the key to unraveling the identity of the mysterious perverted photographer.
The publication by the Australian outlet prompted an urgent police investigation in Indonesia, with assistance from Australian authorities. A spokesperson for the Australian Federal Police told journalists, "The AFP is aware of this matter and has referred it to the Indonesian National Police. As the investigation is ongoing, no further comments will be made at this time." The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade stated in a release that it is ready to provide any necessary consular assistance to affected Australians in Bali. The exact number of people who have recognized themselves in the toilet photos (and how many have admitted it) is currently unknown.
The investigative team also sought comments from Finns Beach Club and Old Mans, but both establishments have decided to refrain from making public statements.
Old Man's is one of the most popular nightclubs in Canggu
Thousands of tourists from around the world visit FINNS Beach Club

By the way, one of the co-founders of FINNS is the former star of the Sydney Swans football club, Tony Smith, who moved to Bali in 2009 with his family and joined forces with local businessman Ketut Subina. It's interesting whether they use a common restroom for visitors or a separate one for staff.
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