Flight Jakarta - Bali. Flight Jakarta - Denpasar

Which airlines fly from Jakarta to Bali? Which airline is the best to fly from Jakarta to Bali?
Several airlines currently operate flights from Jakarta to Bali.
Among them (in descending order based on service quality):
1. Garuda Indonesia (the best and most expensive) with a rating of 8/10; offers both business and economy classes.
2. Batik Air - rating 6/10; offers both business and economy classes.
3. Citilink (the budget version of Garuda) with a rating of 6/10; offers only economy class.
4. AirAsia (rating 5/10); offers only economy class.
5. Lion Air - (rating 4/10); offers only economy class.
The standard duration of a direct flight from Jakarta to Denpasar (Bali) is approximately 1 hour 50 minutes to 2 hours 5 minutes.
The prices provided are approximate and may vary depending on the day of the week, time of departure, and the website where the ticket is purchased (airline website or aggregator).
You can also purchase tickets through the aggregator www.traveloka.com (the most convenient flight aggregator in Indonesia with a user-friendly interface), https://en.tiket.com, www.nusatrip.com/en/flights, www.trip.com. In the Traveloka app, it's very convenient to pay for excess baggage.
Try to pay for excess baggage in advance when purchasing the ticket. If done at the airport, the cost of excess baggage may be twice as high!
The information provided is for direct flights from Jakarta to Denpasar.
Approximately, how much do tickets from Jakarta to Bali cost with different airlines? How much will excess baggage cost on a flight from Jakarta to Bali?
1. Garuda Indonesia
Economy class:
ticket price: 1.699.200 - 1.709.100 rupees (118 - 120 USD)
meals are included in the ticket price
included luggage: 20 kg
hand luggage: 7 kg
excess baggage rates:
(please note that when purchasing a ticket on the Traveloka website, prices for additional baggage may be slightly higher)
+ 5 kg of luggage 574.200 rupees
+ 10 kg of luggage 1,148,400 rupees
+ 15 kg of luggage 1,722,600 rupees
+ 20 kg luggage 2,296,800 rupees
+ 25 kg of luggage 2.871.000 rupees
+ 30 kg luggage 3,445,200 rupees
+ 35 kg luggage 4,019,400 rupees
+ 40 kg of luggage 4,593,600 rupees
aircraft: Boeing 777-300
Business Class:
ticket price: 7,199,200 rupees (500 USD)
meals are included in the ticket price
free lounge access
voucher for PCR test for 295,000 rupees and antigen test for 45,000 rupees
included luggage: 30 kg
hand luggage: 7 kg
excess baggage rates:
(please note that when purchasing a ticket on the Traveloka website, prices for additional baggage may be slightly higher)
+ 5 kg of luggage 574.200 rupees
+ 10 kg of luggage 1,148,400 rupees
+ 15 kg of luggage 1,722,600 rupees
+ 20 kg luggage 2,296,800 rupees
+ 25 kg of luggage 2.871.000 rupees
+ 30 kg luggage 3,445,200 rupees
+ 35 kg luggage 4,019,400 rupees
+ 40 kg luggage 4,593,600 rupees
aircraft: Boeing 777-300
2. Citilink
Attention!!! The Citilink flight may depart from either Soekarno-Hatta Airport or Halim. Halim is located in the city center and is more convenient to reach in Jakarta. However, if you are flying on the Bali - Jakarta - international route, choose Soekarno-Hatta Airport.
Economy class:
ticket price: 538.100 - 1.026.100 rupees (38 - 70 USD)
included luggage: 20 kg
hand luggage: 7 kg
excess baggage rates:
(please note that when purchasing a ticket on the Traveloka website, prices for additional baggage may be slightly higher)
+ 5 kg of luggage 135,000 rupees
+ 10 kg of luggage 270,000 rupees
+ 20 kg of luggage 540,000 rupees
+ 30 kg of luggage 810,000 rupees
+ 40 kg of luggage 1,080,000 rupees
Airbus A320 aircraft
3. Batik Air
Economy class:
ticket price: 641.100 - 1.428.700 rupees (45 - 100 USD)
included luggage: 20 kg
hand luggage: 7 kg
excess baggage rates:
(please note that when purchasing a ticket on the Traveloka website, prices for additional baggage may be slightly higher)
+ 5 kg of luggage 210,000 rupees
+ 10 kg of luggage 420,000 rupees
+ 15 kg of luggage 630,000 rupees
+ 20 kg of luggage 840,000 rupees
+ 25 kg of luggage 1.050.000 rupees
+ 30 kg luggage 1.260.000 rupees
aircraft: Airbus A320
Business Class:
ticket price: 4,106,400 - 6,514,200 rupees (287 - 455 USD)
meals are included in the ticket price
included luggage: 30 kg
hand luggage: 7 kg
excess baggage rates:
(please note that when purchasing a ticket on the Traveloka website, prices for additional baggage may be slightly higher)
+ 5 kg of luggage 210,000 rupees
+ 10 kg of luggage 420,000 rupees
+ 15 kg of luggage 630,000 rupees
+ 20 kg of luggage 840,000 rupees
+ 25 kg of luggage 1.050.000 rupees
+ 30 kg luggage 1.260.000 rupees
aircraft: Airbus A320
Conveniently purchase tickets and pay by card in the carrier’s airasia app: Book Flight and Hotel
Economy class:
ticket price: 575.600 - 720.000 rupees (40 - 50 USD)
hand luggage: 7 kg
excess baggage rates:
(please note that when purchasing a ticket on the Traveloka website, prices for additional baggage may be slightly higher)
+ 10 kg of luggage 40,000 rupees
+ 20 kg of luggage 88,000 rupees
+ 30 kg of luggage 167,000 rupees
+ 40 kg of luggage 292.200 rupees
When purchasing the Value Pack option for 10,000 rupees on the company’s website, 20 kg of luggage is included
When purchasing the Premium Flex option for 363,000 rupees on the company’s website, 20 kg of luggage + double change of departure date + express baggage delivery, express boarding and express check-in are included
aircraft: Airbus A320
5. Lion Air
Economy class:
ticket price: 558,600 - 893,000 rupees (39 - 62 USD)
included luggage: 20 kg
hand luggage: 7 kg
excess baggage rates:
(please note that when choosing a flight from the Batik Airlines website, you may not have the option to select additional baggage, and when purchasing a ticket on the Traveloka website, prices for additional baggage may be slightly higher)
+ 5 kg of luggage 165,000 rupees
+ 10 kg of luggage 330,000 rupees
+ 15 kg of luggage 495,000 rupees
+ 20 kg of luggage 660,000 rupees
+ 25 kg of luggage 825,000 rupees
+ 30 kg of luggage 990,000 rupees
aircraft: Boeing 737
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