Upd. 24/06/24

Co-Create Live

Jl. Sukma Kesuma No.2, Peliatan, Kecamatan Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80571, Indonesia
4.4 / 1938
Discover your sense of belonging with us at CoCreate Live. Join our community for a journey of connection and creative exploration. CoCreate Live isn't just an event; it's an opportunity to delve into the depths of creativity and self-discovery. Immerse yourself in a supportive environment where you're encouraged to freely express yourself, connect with others, and embrace your true identity.
Why should you be a part of CoCreate Live?
- Express Yourself: Break through creative barriers and express your authentic self.
- Build Connections: Connect with kindred spirits and feel uplifted.
- Throat Chakra Healing: Foster better communication and self-expression through throat chakra nurturing.
When and where?
- Every Wednesday at 5:30 PM
- Sayuri’s in Ubud
What can you anticipate?
- Live music, spontaneous creativity, and a celebration of the present moment.
- Guided meditations to ground yourself.
- A supportive environment that encourages authenticity.
Prices : 150k
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