
Awakening the Buddha within - a dzogchen experience

Denpasar • Usada Bali
Jl. Raya Pemogan No.183, Pemogan, Denpasar Selatan, Kota Denpasar, Bali 80221, Indonesia
4.6 / 21
Awakening the Buddha within - the dzogchen experience
With Lama Surya Das and Lama David Christensen
February 14-18, 2024
Dzogchen - "Great Perfection" or "Great Completion" - is both the most advanced and highest Buddhist teaching, as well as the heart of the teachings of all Buddhas. Although Dzogchen is usually associated with the Nyingma, or Ancient School, of Tibetan Buddhism founded by Padmasambhava, for centuries masters of all the various schools have adopted it as their innermost practice.
Historically, the first sources of Dzogchen appeared in the ninth century in the form of short, concise texts written by Indian saints. However, in most Tibetan traditions, its origins are believed to go deep into human history, and it is not limited to Buddhism, Tibet, or even our world, as it exists in thirteen different world systems.
We need only awaken and realize who we are and how we fit perfectly into this world." Realization reveals the true, untainted Buddha within. This is the teaching of the Inherent Great Perfection - Dzogchen."
Learning about Dzogchen is the life's work of Lama Surya Das, a Buddhist leader, best-selling author, meditation teacher and storyteller. Through a series of practices such as natural meditation, present-mindfulness, Tibetan yoga exercises for breath and energy, shared meditation, contemplation of the sky, chanting, and self-exploration, you will learn how you too can let go and let be - how to relax, flow, and become all that you are and can be, a bodhisattva of light in this world of obscurations.
"If not you, then who? If not now, when?"
The venue for our retreat will be the world-renowned Agung Rai Museum of Art (ARMA) in Ubud, Bali. ARMA is a living museum that is not only home to exhibits of Balinese art, but also showcases Balinese artists, musicians and dancers.
The design of the ARMA Museum and Resort, blending seamlessly into the six hectares of Balinese gardens that surround it, embodies the philosophy of balance and harmony between man and the environment. But ARMA is more than just a museum and resort - it combines tradition and sophistication in art, culture and architecture.
Lama Surya Das is one of the leading Western Buddhist meditation teachers and scholars, one of the foremost interpreters of Tibetan Buddhism in the West, and one of the leading exponents of emerging American Buddhism. The Dalai Lama affectionately calls him the "Western Lama."
Surya spent more than forty-five years studying Zen, vipassana, yoga, and Tibetan Buddhism with the great masters of Asia. These include teachers of the Dalai Lama himself, and he has twice taken the traditional three-year traditional solitary meditation retreat at his teacher's Tibetan monastery. He is an authorized lama and lineage holder of the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism and a close personal disciple of the leading great lamas of that tradition. He is also the founder of the Dzogchen Center and Foundation in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which has branches throughout the country. Over the years, Surya has brought many Tibetan lamas to the United States to teach and establish dharma and retreat centers. As the founder of the Western Network of Buddhist Teachers with the Dalai Lama, Lama Surya regularly helps organize its international Buddhist teacher conferences. He is also actively involved in interfaith dialog as well as charitable projects in third world countries. In recent years, Lama Surya has directed his efforts and attention to youth and contemplative education initiatives, which he calls "true higher education and wisdom training for life."
David Christensen (Lama Urgyen Yeshe Lakes) received his traditional training during a closed 4-year retreat in France in the 1980s under the guidance of his main teachers, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Dudjom Rinpoche, Nyoshul Khenpo and Tulku Pema Wangyal. He has studied and practiced Buddhism for over 30 years in Australia, France, Nepal and the United States under the most influential Tibetan masters of the last century. He is the founder of the Odiyana Center and Retreat in Melbourne, Australia, which for many years has focused on the practice and teaching of Tibetan yoga as a support for the meditative practice of Dzogchen. David is also a recognized translator from the Tibetan language. He is particularly known for his work translating texts of Dzogchen, the quintessential teaching on the very nature of our being.
This retreat is a private event and can be booked - for more information and booking please contact us.
Contact e-mail address: ubudprajna@gmail.com
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