Search results for the query: orthodontics

Health, medicine
Upd. 12/11/24
Dentistry in Bali. Where to treat teeth in Bali?

Very often, people are afraid to go to the dentist. Interestingly, this fear is more commonly experienced by adults than young children!

Whether you like it or not, finding a good dentist is crucial. We have researched the most popular dental clinics in Bali. You can find all the information in this article.

Dentistry in Bali. Where to treat teeth in Bali?
Health, medicine
Upd. 21/11/24
BPJS. Insurance for KITAS Visa Holders in Indonesia

All residents of Indonesia, including immigrants residing in the country for six months or more, are obligated to obtain health insurance (BPJS Kesehatan).

If you work for a company, whether local or foreign, you will receive what is known as BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

BPJS. Insurance for KITAS Visa Holders in Indonesia
Health, medicine
Upd. 20/09/23
Hospitals in Bali


If you need urgent medical assistance, you want to call an ambulance, and you are unable to get there on your own, please call the emergency line of the nearest hospital! Look for the one closest to y…

Hospitals in Bali