Indonesia is known as a country where ethnic groups with their own cultures, ways of life, and various languages live. How many languages do you think exist? Two, three, five? You guessed wrong!
Search results for the query: language
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Taman Rama Intercultural School — Bali prepares students for international exams to leading national and international universities.
Balinese authorities have announced the release of informational pamphlets. These will outline what foreigners should avoid doing to prevent being deported from the paradise island.
The head of the regional department of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in Bali, Angiat Napitupulu, informed journalists that informational pamphlets would be prepared, printed, and handed ove…
Text author: Yulia Pastukhova…
Many people have now chosen Bali as their new home, and the question of learning the Indonesian language is far from trivial for them. I will share my experience of learning Bahasa.
An international kindergarten in Sanur. The primary language of communication and instruction is English. However, there is always support in Russian, especially during the adaptation period.