What to do if you forgot your card at an ATM? Or if the ATM jammed the card?

Something happened to a tourist: 
"I had a funny situation recently. Basically, I forgot my card when withdrawing money at the Mandiri ATM. And I discovered it the next day.
I went to the ATM, it was near the 'Pepito' supermarket, asked in the store, asked the security guard - no card. And in a conversation with a friend, I found out that you can retrieve the card from the bank's office, as the cash and everything sucked in by the ATM are brought there.
I found the office where they brought the card on the second try - it turned out that all cards from ATMs are taken to the central office in Denpasar. They returned the card to me in 5 minutes with my passport. Don't do like me, but if you already did - the main thing is not to panic)))"
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